Paging Chuck Tingle. We’ve got your next plot all tied up and begging for it.
Paging Chuck Tingle. We’ve got your next plot all tied up and begging for it.
I found chat rooms in the 90s, at 13. My dumbass, neglected, abused self would’ve thrown herself at the opportunity to have a father figure show love, in any form. Shame on you, Weiner.
Aren’t sexts supposed to be, um, sexy and not just disgusting?
Who would have thought that People would not only be a source of legitimate journalism but would have an actual effect in this year’s election? 2016 is full of surprises.
I paid 28$ for my racer back sports bea from sears... and it os fantastic. 185$ for a stupid looking multistrap bra? No thank you
Yep. The clothes I am wearing right now are so far beyond foul that Alex Jones will use the smell to describe both Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, any day now.
Excuse me, I am very proud of my half-assed workouts where I barely sweat and quit after 20 minutes.
There is some rumor or school of thought going around that they might have chosen a hotel so luxe and expensive without security cameras on purpose. So as to have no video of them.
I get it now.
“Because now Canada thinks they’re better than us.”
I’ve only told this story to my closest friends. I haven’t even confided in my sister (for fear of the obvious shame). Please buckle in because this tale needs to be told in length.
It definitely has never been topped! The only thing I can think of that comes near it are the stories about when people go camping and come back and go through their pictures...only to find a handful of the pictures taken of them while they were sleeping in their tent night after night.
This is less scary and just paranormal..
My good friend-let’s call her Jane to protect her identity- told me her ghost story last year, and since then it has been confirmed to me by several people who were around at the time. It took place back in the late 90's when she was in her early 20's.
I should preface this by saying that I have never seen a ghost or had any weird experiences, but my mom, who must be more sensitive than I am, has them constantly. She’s had multiple family members appear to her after they died (as has my grandma), she’s had ghosts appear and react to her presence simply because she…
I will preface this with the fact that unnatural movements freak me out. A lot.
I told this last year but I will tell it again. My family and I moved into the house we live in when my son was a year and a half. We didn’t know much about the house’s history, but some of our neighbors said something about a doctor having operated some sort of practice in the finished basement front room, although I…
I have no scary stories. But I am currently living in a much nicer apartment than I should be able to afford because the last tenant committed suicide in it, and the owner had to keep dropping the price because they have to disclose that information and no one wanted to live there.
I’ve heard that Gloria Allred is now representing Mt. Everest in a suit against Mr. Johnson.