The Cranberry Cap'n

Oh, he is adorable. Hopefully he can Tiffany it after the inevitable divorce of his parents. Cause you know Trump is gonna blame the loss on Melania. It is gonna be “Damnit, Melania, if you hadn’t lied about being an architect and sued over the escort thing, I would have totally won!”

Nice try, Donald, but you’ve already talked about how cute your daughter was.

You know, I’m gonna say something I think we all need to remember. It’s good to have an adversary, and better to have a worthy one.

Keep coming out, women. We believe you and support you.

And yet, from the NYT:

Can we start a Kickstarter? I would donate.

How? I mean did Khloe molest a whole bunch of powerless men and then run for president on the family values platform?

So here’s a fun thought.

yeah this is like if Bill Cosby had a sitcom about drugging and raping women, then women came forward and said he drugged and raped them.

**Playing Nearer My God to Thee**

I wished for an October Surprise. This is like a month of Halloween. Like, after a few days, it’s not fun, anymore. You ate all your good candy, you have a stomach ache, you have to figure out what to do with the shitty candy, and your parents won’t let you take off your costume or wash off the day’s old makeup.

YES. I came here to say the exact same thing.

(ok, not kindergarten. preschool. PRESCHOOL.)

Maybe if you can’t handle not harassing women in the workforce today, then you don’t belong in the workforce.

Put that fist down, motherfucker. It don’t belong to you.

Cue reports from all the women who have been harassed as kindergarten teachers. This guy is a fucking toolbag.

This certainly has been the October Suprise that keeps on giving.

I live for comments like this.

Same, I don’t know why but I’ve always gotten an incredibly skeevy vibe from him and listening to that tape made feel validated in feeling that way.