The Cranberry Cap'n

Almost all of these dresses look like the ones I wore to my 8th grade dances. *shiver*

Honestly, this tent bullshit looks good on only incredibly thin people with long flat torsos. I am slender, but have boobs — not even huge ones, just average sized — and it makes me look like I’m wearing maternity shirts. Awful.

That’s always my issue with RPGs, if not done right missions can feel like filler. They need good story or mystery to back them up. I would rather play a movie on rails á la Uncharted than umpteen empty fetch quests.

Hooray, now we really are just like China. :-/

All of these purported benefits are over-ridden by images that plague my head for days, weeks, or months afterwards. Not worth it for people like me who tend towards obsessive and vivid imaginations. For me, the horror doesn’t end at the end of the movie/game/activity, it keeps getting replayed over and over, so the

Pretty much constantly. There is a weather predictor in the HUD which shows you what is coming up. Different areas will be more stable or volatile (it rains nigh-constantly in the rainforest area, for example, and snows all the time in the high mountains above the Rito village, but other areas are more frequently

There is SO MUCH WEATHER in this game. Not just lightning storms that fuck you up, but also fog, snow, clouds and mist that makes it hard to see far when the weather’s bad.

When you play the game, he has a charming personality. I’m not thirsty for fictional characters myself, but I see the appeal of a relentlessly positive and chipper dude with a shiny smile and an eight pack.


Why do these bozos keep interviewing her? She’s never given any useful information in a single interview she’s done. The point of interviews is to help inform viewers, and all she does is obfuscate and misdirect. Other than for ratings, there is literally no reason to talk to Conway. Stop giving this sell-out asshole

If there’s any need for evidence that feminism still has quite a ways to go to become truly intersectional, one should look no further than this comment section. TERFs abound, more interested in the oppression olympics than liberating one another.

For those of you who — like me — can’t shell out for overpriced cable, it’s also available on Hulu.

I work and a very big blessing of working, having a toddler, and being pregnant at the same time is the luxury of vomiting and/or laying down in peace, with the office door closed.

I thought having her in it would be cool at first too, but then I thought it’s not just Reaper gunning down a little girl, it would also be a little girl blasting other people with a tank gun. A little too child-soldier for me.

Nice! Makes sense. Good to have hard counters since this ult seems really powerful, especially grouped up on a defense point.

I’m going to play it tonight. Hubs already loaded it up, he says you can do off-screen play, switch-style.

I think it’s often just not necessary in a well designed game. Rise of the Tomb Raider had some flaws but I really enjoyed the mostly HUD-less screen while playing. That game was packed full of content and yet they found ways to help you do waypoints and exploration without shit cluttering up your screen all the time.

Heaven help me. If the neighbors and town were so upset about someone else getting racial slurs on their house, shouldn’t they have come together to repaint the garage doors as a community? The correct response should be we know this is shitty, here, let’s all help together because we recognize this is inexcusable.

I don’t know, it’s a tough call. Maybe you try, hoping for the best (or at least hoping not to upset his fragile ego and punish you), but now that his lack of concern for HBCU’s has been confirmed, refuse to do anything again until he makes good on his promises.

Squirted milk out my nose at “mother may I”