The Cranberry Cap'n

Came here to say this. They really hated Hillary Clinton. Really, really, REALLY hated her.

It’s the Handmaid’s Tale come to life, and somehow worse.


Yes, it was definitely cemented then, but GWB was already considered a neo-conservative then and pushing the party to the right. I mean, he looks positively centrist by today’s standards, but he was part of the push to the right in the early aughts.

This is honestly the first horror movie I’ve ever actually wanted to see. Generally I am not a fan of the genre, disturbing scenes play in my head for weeks and weeks and I have trouble mentally moving on from gore. But this movie sounds so interesting, and I love Peele’s other work, that I’m seriously tempted to try

I don’t think I would want to have bare feet on hot sand.

I’m really enjoying the joy on Octavia Spencer’s face too. I think that’s how I would react.

I think the difference is the respect for the institutions of government and of the American people. GWB had bad policy that tanked the economy and got us into unwinnable, destabilizing, unjustifiable wars. But he at least respected the office of the Presidency, the humanity of Muslims and immigrants, and while he

That’s called being a professional. Many actors are able to differentiate and draw a hard line between real and fake. That’s what makes them actors, and not reality tv stars.

I was just thinking of Twister. Especially the campy ride he narrates in Universal Studios parks in Orlando. It was always so fun to poke at it, the ride was so cheesy in a fun way. Won’t be the same now that he’s gone. 61 is way too young to go :-(

Man I wish I had a night nurse for my kids when they were babies. Just to feel normal again for like three minutes. Or hours. You do you, friends.

I think you see this a lot as you go up higher education. Which is a shame, because academia needs - and often values - a diversity of voices, but it’s so hard to break through that it’s a huge financial risk. In my friend’s program, he is the only person he knows who had blue-collar parents. And even his parents had

A caveat to this, though:

Well, unless it was to buy investments.

Meant PS Plus, which needed some fixing.

I have two daughters and I am a woman myself. I dread the day when I have to teach this to them, because I will, and I hate the thought of burdening them with it. Even if it is for their safety.

Don’t get me wrong, I actually think this console looks great. My husband and I both play games, and the ability to sit next to each other on the couch and both be able to play games is very appealing. You can do that somewhat with the Wii U, although many of the most fun games (like Splatoon) you need the TV. Just

To me the name just sound super generic. It makes the game sound more like shovelware than it really is.

I agree. Celts used a lot of fabric. In fact, all peoples used a lot more textiles than we give them credit for, but especially people with domesticated wool animals like alpaca (in parts of South America) and sheep (in parts of Europe.)