The Cranberry Cap'n

Yeah, I’m going to wait. My eldest is 4 now and in a year or two, this console will probably be perfect for kids (and me on the go). But really I just want to play Zelda, and I already have a Wii U, so I’m going to hold off for a while.

Could be, but PS4 launched with PSN and it wasn’t very good until they fixed it. It’s possible that Nintendo is trying to perfect it first. Still, it does at least make the Switch look rushed, so that’s not great optics.

Yeah, you may want to consider working to fix that. That’s going to take its toll on you eventually. We just aren’t meant to be awake that long frequently.

I have sunk dozens and dozens of hours into Overwatch, and normally I don’t like online play or FPS shooters or competitive games. And yet, it’s great fun as to justify having the PS4, along with some other great games like Uncharted, Dishonored, Tomb Raider, and Metal Gear.

I always thought it was fairly obvious that Ren was severely physically and emotionally compromised, and that’s pretty much the only reason why they got away.

Also important quote:

That’s not over-analyzing, it’s just regular scientific analysis. There are hundreds of psychological and sociological studies about social and gender development. It’s not like some pot smoking bro philosophizing from his couch, studying how social constructs form is a science and has been for years. Marketers use

Thanks. I wish I didn’t know what those mean either, but them’s the times we live in :/

There’s implicit conditioning as well as explicit. We pick up a lot of our cultural learning from the world around us, especially from marketing. You don’t literally need to be told “that’s for sissies” to get the message that playing with dolls is not a boy-coded activity. That’s part of the reason why gendered

Lotta dudes seriously upset by girl-marketed toys today.

Polly pocket was the bomb, would play with Pokemon version


They are now. But barely a few years ago the aisles definitely said “boy” and “girl.”And certainly they’re marketed that way. I know, because I was shopping for them. Now in most places toys are much more sensibly organized by play type.

Hey man do us a favor and dismiss menshepn7's reply. He’s using white nationalist, anti-Semitic “(((echo)))“ quotes. It doesn’t belong here.

He DOES think male Shep is the better Shep. Clearly out of his gourd.

Are you getting involved at all, at the local level? By which I mean founding or attending grass roots activist meetings, going to town hall events, listening in on the MoveOn or Indivisible weekly phone conferences?


Yeah, someone else pointed out the shape of the hand on her chest, and now I see it. But at first it looked to me like the hand just fused into some exposed chest skin, with a tattoo on it. I could not for the life of me make out the fingers.

Thank you! That was driving me nuts. For some reason the fingers on the upper arm were blending into her suit and looked like a tattoo rather than a hand.