The Cranberry Cap'n

Exactly. This is why we end up with overreach laws. People decide “the fuck with you all and courtesy, I do what I want! It’s legal!!” and so the only recourse is to make it illegal. Courtesy is what holds society together in lieu of laws. Get rid of it, and you get laws.

That’s my thought. My parents own a massive RV. They have every right to just park it 24/7 in front of their house, but they pay to store it somewhere else because, you know, it’s a massive RV.

If watching too much BBC has taught me anything, it’s that “extraordinary” is not always a synonym for “good” in British English.

Chuck Tingle, I didn’t know you were such a good artist!

For us, that would be good. But to that ~25%ish who voted for Trump, it might look more like a coup, however well intentioned it is to save us from destruction. I worry about the ramifications of that almost as much as a Trump presidency going through.

This is scarier than someone with a plan. It leaves a gigantic power vacuum, ready for filling by basically anyone who can get close enough to grab it.

You’d think, but I’ve seen anti-vaccination floating around for dogs too. :-/

And make voter suppression and gerrymandering a fucking platform. Why was and is this still not being covered appropriately?

I was 3 years apart from my brother and sister, in each direction. There were squabbles, as with any relationship, but we’re all buds now. I’m hoping for something similar in the future for my two kids, who are a little over three years apart.

Because you only ever hear about the hard and/or shitty parts, and never hear about the joy. But the fact that you call parents “you breeders” and not people who have made different choices makes me think you’re probably not all that interested in hearing about the good parts, in any case.

Dammit, cannot unsee now.

Screw that, I want a porcelain one.

No. It’s a common misconception that wide eyes and even light colored hair is supposed to represent white people and not Japanese people.

Wait, you used a monkeys paw to get splash to be useful and you gave us Trump as a side effect? Dammit I TOLD you not to touch it!



Yes, even before the election I was reading about how Clinton was leading with “educated white women” in the polls for the first time ever. Educated white women, a sector I would have stupidly assumed would be more liberal, have historically voted Republican for as long as we have had polls.

And yet, you clicked on the article, which is how they determine what content people want to see.

Interesting — can you point to which one? Would be interested to read. Know thine enemy, and all that.

Oh yes. Given how much he lambasted Bill Clinton during the campaign, and how big of a celebrity and now the goddamn President-elect, there’s no way he will get away with even looking at women sideways. I expect leaks abound in the new White House.