The Cranberry Cap'n

I wonder, though. A lot of his supporters voted on social platforms rather than economic ones. Just two days in, the celebration of white supremacy and open sexism is already spilling out into the public. If he allows that to continue without doing anything to stop it, their desire for acting on rage and quashing

Melania looks nearly as thrilled to be in the White House.

I agree. Both parties but particularly Democrats have not run a good enough ground game for too long. People don’t vote on policy, they vote with their guts and their emotions — and that’s all people, not just Trump supporters. Democrats need to get to work on actually selling their policies on an emotional level. I

Me too. Gerrymandering and voter suppression laws. But we know that both of those favor Republican tickets by suppressing voters who tend to vote more Democrat, so that’s not going to happen, sadly. I think Democrats could gain a lot of support if they made gerrymandering and voter suppression a key issue, as well as

There’s no way that’s going to happen. A constitutional amendment is very difficult to pass. You need Congress to propose it, then secure a two-thirds majority support from both the House and the Senate. Then it has to be officially proposed to the entire Congress, debated, and approved again by two-thirds majority.

And talk about making them actually criminal. Jail time and disruptions of lives and families is how you get recidivism and involvement in more dangerous crimes. They may be here illegally, but now you’re going to be turning them into actually dangerous criminals.

I’m so sorry this happened to you. Every comment that upholds white supremacy is an injury. I hear you, and I will fight back with you.

I would have loved to see it a week ago, not two days after the election.

Same. I have been looking into local studios. My daughter is a toddler.

Well he’s stuck with Melania for at least four years now, no way they’ll allow him to divorce her for a younger model while in office.

That’s not entirely true. Immigration and Islam have gripped these communities with fearful fervor. In post election analysis it has been consistently cited as the big reason why Trump ascended in the primaries and now in the general election. They’re afraid of ISIS and a misunderstanding of Islam, of changes to their

Oh thank God you came in here with your expert, disaffected logic and wide knowledge of campaign tactics. Please, keep telling us what to do and how to feel because we’re emotional and you’re not, because you have the luxury to be.

I was just going to say it’s already hard to get a job in Canada. Now it will be impossible.

Hopefully not. I got eyes on that Tammy Duckworth.

Yes, why no commentary on the WHITE DRESSES?

Better than getting involved, run for government. If you have big ideas, great. Do them.

I’m genuinely very curious how he dug himself out of that crazy hole. Not like, ALL the way out, clearly. But six feet gets a lot more sunlight than a mile.   

This is the reason why there are yellow/white do not cross lines now in most subways. According to my parents there was a rash of this happening in the 70's, when people used to crowd right up to the edge of the tracks.

Still one of my favorite quips from New Who.

Count me as one of the people who had no idea this is how Chewie was acted. Makes sense from a directing standpoint, most of the main characters and especially Han seem to be able to understand him, so it would make sense to have them actually understand him while filming. Weird to see though!