The Cranberry Cap'n

Aw come on guys, at least proofread the videos: “Women in Face in Politics”

The beach scene is very reminiscent of The First Shop of Coffee Prince (except one of those characters was actually a woman mistaken for a man, but still.)

He looks a little Young Nathan Drake-y.

Good. The best part about Mass Effect was the story. I don’t want to know anything except the graphics.

Caveat: if you couldn’t vote because of restrictive voter laws you absolutely can complain about how the election turns out and also the Supreme Court and our broken voting system.

Ah yes, I remember the good old days of locker room talk with my fellow eleven year olds, judging all the boys by their possible sex positions.

Indeed, Manhattan it will buy you a lovely 1-bedroom.

Exactly. This is my surprised face.

I agree, and I have only a general understanding of statistics. The site has done a pretty good job of explaining and discussing their mistakes and how their models work if you read the articles and don’t just obsessively refresh the polls-plus overview page and skim headlines. They’re in the business of probability,

I’m pretty sure he has said exactly this in one of the team chats they put up on the website. They tweaked the model and they are much more cautious.

Came here to say this. Purple Wolverine is the best wolverine.

Haha sorry to disappoint. If it makes you feel any better the guy I did marry I met shortly after him and is in some ways more liberal than even I am.

Yep. I remember one time in college I just straight up said “sorry it’s not going to happen” and the guy messaged me later like “my roommate says you’re just trying to get the upper hand and more power in the relationship.” He later banged down my door while I was with another dude in my room and after trying to get

Well, I think part of the reason people are more attractive when they’re dating orhers is because... Well, they’re attractive and confident enough to be dating anyone at all. It’s not that they’re seeing someone else or that they’re taken, it’s that clearly their insecurities are out of the way and thereby lots of

Yep. Had this happen with a guy I dated who was a little thicker. He genuinely did not understand that I found him physically attractive as he was, not “despite” his physique. Took me ages to convince him I wasn’t just trying to make him feel better about it.

Yeah, I wouldn’t recommend paying for sex unless paying for sex is something you really want to do and are comfortable with. Doing it just to lose your virginity is pointless and again puts too much importance on sex rather than just being you and not worrying so much about it. He will have sex when he feels ready for

Tip for letter writer one: you’re going to run across a lot of women who end things indirectly like third-date girl. And unlike popular pick up artist blogs and other bullshit dating strategists say, it’s not because she wants to fuck with you. It’s because women are conditioned not to be direct, for our safety. It’s

In “Democratic” Russia, Internet pays for YOU!

Nah, actually he tried to get back with me (pre-conversion) but by then I had already met my new boyfriend (now husband.) I didn’t see that he had changed his tune until after I was married to someone else. Still glad for him as an old friend and whoever he eventually makes a happy lady.

Now you have two members. Nuts in brownies is terrible.