The Cranberry Cap'n

Also she was eleven years old, for god’s sake. No eleven year old should have to “hack it.”

Is it a how-to, or just a very polite Canadian warning?

Pho, hands down. Nothing makes me feel better than a hot bowl of vietnamese noodles and basil with some pork sprinkled in it.

Can we please just do the sensible thing and follow the lead of many East Asian countries, and just wear masks? It’s creepy if you’re the only one doing it but if we all agree as a country it’s the right thing to do, we could all be spared the dreaded subway spread.

True, it’s all relative. But I swear I don’t even know half the celebrities on this website or pretty much any publication aimed at people under 25. Definitely makes me feel old, even if I’m not by comparison.

It’s not really offensive so much as it’s just not the same thing, you know? I’m not offended so much as I don’t think we’re really having the same conversation. Usually if that happens I will just switch to talking about pets instead, since whomever I’m talking to can’t really contribute either because they don’t

Yep. Saw something earlier that Brian Cranston will move to Canada if Trump wins. Which, good for you bro, but the rest of us are still stuck here with the neofascists.

With surrogacy and adoption before birth, there’s still opportunities for harping on “natural” birth for everyone!

Yeah I wonder if, in some areas at least, things are changing. I have friends without kids, some married, some single, and no one really gives them shit about it, even jokingly.

Hm, I don’t know about that. The people I socialize with most are still friends without children rather than other moms. It’s just harder to get out, especially spontaneously. I see less of everyone in general, it’s possible that’s what some your friends do too. Although it’s certainly possible they are doing “play

The Hamburger bear one is fun, but that drawing is way too advanced for a three year old.

Seriously. Cool men spell it Jerald.

Haha, now all I can think of is the scene from Indiana Jones The Last Crusade where they laugh about how Indy was named after the dog.

Yeah I agree, I don’t doubt what she felt as she said she did, and we’ve all had those moments of “what if I made other choices,” for sure. And other parents who just straight up regret it. I’m not so sure that’s a common feeling though, or at the least its the product of other issues. It wouldn’t be the reaction for

I’m just timing my drinks in between breastfeeding sessions to numb the pain of this election.

Insert all the NOPE gifs here for “skinkids”, noooooo that is so creepy

That sounds very unusual to me. Perhaps she has an attachment issue to her children, or extreme attachment to animals, or maybe both.

Oh yeah dog evolution is fascinating. Apparently they are one of the only animals that instinctively understand human language and body language from birth. Like a chimpanzee can be trained over time but a dog can understand human gesture as a puppy, without any training. I guess they did a study where they took

It doesn’t bother me much; as a person who had had both many pets and human children. It only gets a little weird when in a conversation and I say something about my kid and someone else compares it to their dog or cat or parakeet. Like, we are not having the same conversation right now.

I’ve never had a service dog for myself, but my parents used to train them through Fidelco. Maybe try giving Fidelco or a similar organization a call and see what your options are? Perhaps even get in on helping to train one yourself, if that’s a possibility. My parents used to do German Shepherds, which are big dogs