The Cranberry Cap'n

Or wait, do you mean the Catholic relics? The pieces of bodies, clothes, inanimate objects, etc inside the churches? Iconography is the depiction of God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, Saints, and other biblical figures. Relics are actual physical and sacramental objects, sometimes but not always pieces of or whole bodies.

Loved and hated that show, like so many others. The way the narrator talked in the gloomy room in the introductions, gaaaaah. (Also just listened to that keyboard music for two seconds. So many emotions!!)

Yep, iconography is the right word. It’s just Christian iconography rather than other religions. It’s often been a “dirty word” for Catholics though because non-Catholic Christian sects can think the depictions are heretical.

Not exactly paranormal, but... After catching a glimpse of Jurassic Park too young, raptors turning knobs in my closet to come eat me. I used to sleep with my armoire and closet doors open to see into them.

Yep, I said the same thing when I moved from my small apartment to my house. And I had 1/10th the stuff then as now. If I ever move again, moving expenses will be a part of the financial planning for it.

They’re actually a great example of good parenting. They’re weirdos and their kids are weirdos, but no one ever doubted that they loved each other and their children unconditionally.

Omg this movie looks amaaaazing and I didn’t even grow up in the 60's.

Hey man, we all got our thing.

That’s what is disappointing to me. The movie actors are so highly paid, it becomes almost impossible to do anything but a blockbuster with them, even if it would make sense in the plot.

Oh no agggh!

Definitely good story telling! Not real though.

Also no one cares about limited edition family cars anyway. Ooo a limited edition Ford Fiesta, well la-dee-da.

I look forward to the inevitable “oh wait, nvrmnd, it wasn’t that big of a deal lol”

I thought I was reading a recap of the penultimate episode of Scandal.

(((Gag reflex intensifies)))

Maybe we can commission som fanfic about it with Chuck Tingle! Get on it folks.

Hi fives for humane folks in the greys 🙏🏽

That was quite the twist!

Also, teenage girls post selfies largely for the approval of OTHER TEENAGE GIRLS. If old pervs are all sweaty about it, that’s not their responsibility.
