The Cranberry Cap'n

I find that older generations have an unusually strong aversion to the words pussy or tits. It would not surprise me if his language makes this much worse than it otherwise would have been.

Pretty sure that was a joke, my man. Obviously it wasn’t youthful dumb banter, Trump was 59 at the time.

Are they all rescindments though? There are at least a few who never endorsed him in the first place.

Same :-|

Right? I might have been able to forgive or look past uncomfortable laughter, because it’s hard to admonish people more powerful than you. But it clearly didn’t bother him at all. He sits in that bus and ogles a coworker along with him, then steps off and pressures her into physical intimacy with a creep who JUST

Were I the brand manager for Tic Tacs, I would be very unhappy right now.

He tried to seduce Nancy O’Dell, the woman in the purple dress is just another target that he and Billy Bush slobber over legs and how hot she is before walking out and dialing it back to only slightly uncomfortable forced and sexist affection (“Why don’t you give Duonald Trump a hug, honey?”)

Yup. Let this be a warning that “benign” uncomfortable commentary against women is the tip of the iceberg. There is so much more beneath it.

Right? This election is already turning into its own season of Scandal so at this point, why not.

I presume because she has a job of her own; he also mentioned that his parole officer would gets nervous when he gets to close even through his wife.

I listened recently to a Reply All episode about a guy who went by w0rmer (forget his real name) when he was a hacking teen/young 20's in 2011 is now out of jail and trying to live without the internet as a programmer so that he doesn’t violate his parole. It’s... not easy. To the point where he writes and prints out

I think you would mind it after a while, if you have any interest in a life outside of work. Relationships, kids, seeing your family, seeing friends outside a work setting, ever relaxing or having time to play videogames yourself, enjoying travel or holidays... pretty much none of that happens when you are working

And in all likelihood when they get out on parole a lot of the sentencing requires that they are banned from technology and/or accessing the internet at all, or else it’s back to jail.

As a tall woman, I have heard a lot of short guys get weird about me wearing heels when they are already shorter than me. For me, it was never a height thing, it was a confidence thing. Some of the most attractive men I dated were much shorter than I am (I’m talking six inches shorter, upwards of 8-10 if I wore

There’s always some people who are gonna be dicks and get prescriptive about what they want physically in a person, but honestly I haven’t met that many of them. The ones who did had personality problems beyond height requirements.

I am a 5'8" woman. I have literally never dated anyone taller than I am, and quite a few significantly shorter. My only reason for not dating a short (and 5'8" isn’t even that short) man is if he had a complex about it. I’m not taking off my high heels for anyone. If he acted like it wasn’t a big deal, it wasn’t a big

Yes, the general expenses are still there, but as a person who has been both a mom and not a mom in her adult life, I can confirm the excess needed to pay for child care, save for college, feed extra people does go up by quite a bit. For me, I have those student loans that cost the amount of a kid AND kids who cost

I wonder if it isn’t partially playing catch-up. Those years with young children tend to hold parents back, and especially mothers, so once we are more free to do what we want, we’re more gung-ho and ambitious to get it done. I know in my own life, my mother stayed at home for 15 years before she went back to work,

Well, that and it basically requires hundreds of thousands of dollars and slavery to the be their equivalent of “saved.”

Honestly, because it works and preys on people who are very vulnerable — say for example depressed or struggling with addiction — and slowly take people under their wing while undermining their autonomy. Organizations like Scientology don’t just say “hey we believe in Xenu and that L Ron Hubbard will return someday