The Cranberry Cap'n

Not just that, but the ramifications for deceiving and wasting resources of a foreign government, in a place where she has far less clout. It would be incredibly, incredibly stupid to stage a robbery at all, but especially while abroad.

You could also try puzzle food boxes. People sell fancy ones but you can make a simple one by filling an old plastic with food and drilling small holes in the side so that small bits of food come out when it is rolled. Helps your cat stay entertained and sharp by fulfilling their hunting instincts, and keeps them in

The most popular excuse is they don’t like the “two-party system,” but also don’t want to do anything substantive to change the structures that created what they don’t like in the first place. So they fall back on “what if we all just voted this way instead,” as if that is ever going to happen without said substantive

Can confirm baked-in northerners don’t use “bless your heart” sarcastically, generally. I can’t speak for Illinois specifically, but where I am no one says it hardly at all, except genuinely.

I think it gets criticism because it is a popular company with dishonest and predatory practices on parents that have hurt people, and it is a journalist’s job to report on that.

lol Peter Thiel, is that you? Methinks Gawker wasn’t the one with investments in Honest Company.

I made it 12 seconds before I couldn’t go on. So, so painful. I feel so bad for the woman in the pink dress that she had to watch the whole thing in person.

Aaaaagh what even is this, this is so uncomfortable and awful

ORRR Honest Company is just shady as hell and well-known among the Gawker demographic, young millenials, so they report on it because it’s of interest to their readers.

What, I’m just telling the truth. If that offends you, then get with reality. God.

Possibly best political moment ever.

He was wearing a suit. Tribal leaders wrapped him in that blanket and placed the hat on top of him as part of the ceremony. That might have been how you meant it, but that isn’t really the effect or big take away from the meme in my opinion. Where I have seen it used elsewhere it’s more like “Obama didn’t care about

Firstly, you can ask your OB and hospital where you would likely give birth what their practices are. Skin-to-skin is becoming pretty standard so I wouldn’t be surprised if they allow it, even encourage it.

My hospital got rid of the nursery entirely, saying that it’s “better for babies and mothers” for baby to room with them 24/7. And also conveniently no longer needing several extra nurses to tend to the nursery.

I’ve seen that meme go around for President Obama and it’s kind of belittling from what actually happened. Yes, to most Americans the President is wearing an unusual hat and blanket. But it’s actually a still from a serious ceremony at the Tribal Nations Conference where indigenous people honored Obama with a

Jesus. How far down the rabbit hole are you when you begrudge feeding children wholesome food? I never liked Bush but if he had gotten fruit and vegetables to needy kids in schools, I would have admitted he’d done a good thing.

My friend, get yourself to and buy some bitchin’ cotton paper with your name on it. I feel fancy as fuck writing thank you notes now.

Ha, your honesty is appreciated.

I also want to point out that sociopathy is a difficult condition to live with, but many people (an estimated 4%) can and do live with it and carry on meaningful and productive lives, especially if they can receive help for their condition. In the U.S. alone, that is 12,000,000 people living with sociopathy.

Yes. He says right in his mediocre apology that these works have been exhibited many times. Which means he got paid for it and his name has become more prominent because of it. Two of the biggest benefits to have as an artist.