The Cranberry Cap'n

They also photoshopped the shit out of her to reduce her muscles as much as possible. Here’s a picture of her, probably also photoshopped, but at least they left in her athletic build:

To be fair, it's a pretty short period of time. By a few weeks in your boobs adjust, the baby gets better at eating, and then it's really quite pleasant and convenient.

Only if you’re weaning cold turkey or really early when they are still breastfeeding exclusively. But if you breastfeed through until after the baby is well established in solid food, your supply goes down anyway as the baby demands less and less milk and your body will respond by producing less over time. It’s much

Breasts become swollen and hard like rocks if too full of milk. They feel like bursting, and it really is very uncomfortable if you can’t relieve the pressure. If she went 14 hours without feeding or pumping the milk, that would indeed be very painful.

I think the issue comes from relying too much on will-they-won’t-they as a hook for the show. If you haven’t written in other interesting things about the plot and character development other than teasing fans over whether and when they will bone,once it happens there’s nothing left to keep people watching. I actually

Also, sometimes it’s nice to just retreat for a while to women/mother only spaces. Sure, I could feed my kid on a bench but it’s much more relaxing in a room equipped with a rocking chair and only other mothers doing the same thing you are.

Nipples on dudes are 2SEXY4U, according to game design.

Too much fabric for the male equivalent. Shorten the boots a bit, add some peep holes, and get rid of the fabric on the thighs, now we’re talking [hideous and impractical outfits no one wants.] I do appreciate the character designer’s inclusion of a creepy nipslip and seductive left shoulder just to finish the

Moffat is leaving, so it's not impossible....

It read less to me as someone trying to hurt her husband as someone who likes feeling sexually powerful. She sounds like she wants to be wanted, and she’s using her friend and his low-self esteem, and his high esteem for her, to obtain that power. But who knows, people are complicated creatures, it could be many

This is what we get for going to see Jurassic World.

Adorable at 18 and 34 — what friendship could be better?

I’m curious what you mean — choices based on emotions in general, or based on other people’s emotions/needs?

Pigeons were introduced to the U.S. as a food source. Pigeon is regularly eaten in the Middle East today. It is also called “squab.”

I never thought of it that way, but that’s a really good point. If they had just had subtitled alien jargon, it would have been much more bearable.

The more I reread this the more I think this is hate-reading clickbait fodder than a serious assessment of old, olllllld technology.

Yeah, I’m a little confused at the amazement we’re supposed to feel here. Keystone arches have been around for thousands of years. You can probably see one in your town somewhere. The only interesting thing here is the prefab truck with wheels that takes the place of traditional scaffolding.

Me neither. I already worry about the infinite “what ifs” for my children and their future. Just the gif of the parent stroking a pixel baby’s head is too heavy. I’m glad someone is trying something new and different, but I can’t do it.

I agree. I meant seasoned more as in having demonstrated ability to act, rather than a well-known resume. Poor word choice on my part.

He DOES look like baby Chris Pratt. Now I’d like to see the two of them in a movie as brothers or time-travel versions of each other.