The Cranberry Cap'n

Well, in Hollywood they have people in their late 20's playing teenagers, so I guess we can all look the other way. Plus movie makeup and good costuming could easily make him look fresh-faced enough to pass for it. Some of the other contenders, like Ansel Elgort, are so baby-faced they would need to be aged up to fit

Tell me about it. My spouse loves menu management games and I’m the type that will stop playing if the story isn’t compelling. Gameplay can be fabulous but if the characters are bland, the plot predictable, and the world is flat, I’m out.

Oh no, I had forgotten that game existed and now all the sadness came rushing back to my inner disappointed child.

Down syndrome and the like are genetic disorders which occur at conception, within the genes themselves. The function of the womb/uterus itself is to carry the fetus and provide a supportive enough environment to bring it to term, such as supporting the placenta and blood vessels which provide nutrients to the fetus.

A little weird, maybe, but also nice. Going through that much hormone therapy to carry a baby to term in a post menopausal body is no small feat. That’s a lot for a mother to go through to give her daughter what she really wants. Good for them, I'm glad it worked out.

No shame. I have children but owned the movie before they were born. It’s a solid movie musical.

Dude, not everyone has $400 to blow on a remote car starter. Or a car payment, for that matter.

Justin Long?

I see what you mean, but the spoiler-free review above seems to indicate that the story takes a turn and plays with your expectations of what you think you’re going to see, maybe based on those story retreads that have already been done. So I’m still excited to see this movie and where it goes.

I’m not sure how that’s possible. The plot of these movies is directly affected by the major political events and the people who preceded them, and even contain half the main characters from the first three movies. Not referencing the events and relationships of the first movies wouldn’t make sense.

No idea. I’m just hoping that there’s some kind of appeal process to this abortion of justice.

Are you fucking kidding me. Please, let an appeal go through and let him be convicted before the “clumsy clause” becomes a thing in rape trials.

The original “spirit” of Star Trek lives in long-form, syndicated television, though. I don’t expect a stand-alone movie series to have the same slow, thoughtful pace of a television show that runs for dozens to hundreds of episodes. Especially not in this movie climate, where the only thing that gets butts in theater

Do these people not remember 2008? Wall Street? The precipitous downfall of the economy due to business practices and unethical ponzi schemes caused by businessmen like Trump?

I don’t have a son yet, but in case I get one, TEACH ME YOUR WAYS

My thoughts exactly. What difference does that make? You’re not a masked man pulling women into alleys, so it’s not assault?

To be fair, that gif loop is really fast. It’s hard to see his face.

It’s hard to say how old the picture on the left is, and from what country where different animals will have different connotations, but if it is from the late 1800’s in America/England, the lobster’s reputation is about on par with the mouse. Back then, lobster was poor people meat, something you fed to your cat or

The business card is kind of the cultural leftovers of the calling card tradition. I have some friends who put personal info (mailing address, phone number) on business card designs to give out to friends who might not know all the info. I bet you could design one just like the Devil cards!