The Cranberry Cap'n

I just realized I wrote “exhaustedness and/or tiredness,” as though they are two different things. Can you tell I have children?

He’s done nothing like Bill Cosby, not even close. But he has said some sadly tone-deaf things regarding diversity in Hollywood, and sexuality for celebrities, which belied his status as someone who doesn’t really need to worry about his sexuality, gender, or race. He did apologize for them, sorta. He seems to mean

  • Not showering alone,

I think it’s just exhaustedness and/or tiredness, combined with a lack of time and privacy. I shower regularly but a long shower by myself is a luxury. Some things are going to go lax, and depending on who you are it might be showering, laundry, the kitchen sink, gardening, sweeping, home cooked meals, your gym

This is a stacking ring for me:

My partner character, Nokia , got both an Agumon and a Gabumon. My jealousy knows no bounds.

That little car is awfully zippy for having an engine like a washing machine.

Her breasts are ridiculous in general, but beyond that, the design is lazy. She has a neat hairstyle, but the big boobs are hiding an otherwise extremely boring design. They’re counting on the distraction so you won’t notice she’s just wearing green pajamas and some bracelets for her costume “design.”

I’m always amazed that people freak out about hair not behaving correctly, but are totally fine with shirts like that, which in no way would ever stay on her boobs unless it was glued there.

I laughed, I cried, I marveled at that sweet house.

It’s no wonder hazing veterans are so reluctant to talk—they’re probably embarrassed about doing to much for so little.

There’s that gotcha media!

Oh, come on. Not everyone knows Meryl Streeps charity causes in detail, and there are plenty of actresses and other celebrities who have described feminist beliefs and then denounced the word feminist for “equalism” or whatever, because they clearly aren’t familiar with feminism. It’s not a huge stretch to think

I’m so disgusted, what the hell. I don’t want to think what these people’s living spaces looked like.

VI “HD” was just hideous. The characters were just completely out of place looking with their bright Chibi colors.

That’s just depressing, they didn’t even try to come up with a decent emergency excuse? As though their no-show from essentially being too busy for your wedding is an understandable explanation. Gross, and good riddance.

I just... I weep for humanity

I agree that no-shows, unless they had a very good reason not to be there, are wrong. That’s not cool. I hate the “maybe I’ll show up, maybe not” culture around parties now. No, if someone invites you and you accept, you better show. This lady seems to have a legitimate emergency on her hands and no good way to

It’s okay to spend your salary on daycare if that’s what you need for yourself. There are mothers who seem to love to stay home, and even they talk about the sometimes stressful and tedious nature of full-time child care. There are other mothers, like myself and several of my friends, who really want or need to have a