The Cranberry Cap'n

I feel like some shmo took this picture of this poor woman without her knowledge and put it up online for laffs. Disapprove.

Ugh... Pope Francis, I am disappoint. Since the Vatican refuses to comment on what happened, the only story we have is the one Davis says is true.

To be fair, fancy wigs seem a lot easier to take care of/have consistent style than doing your own hair every day. Although I am not a wig wearer or owner, so I wouldn’t really know.

You have not lived until you’ve had corn,

I didn’t even grow up in the south, and I distinctly remember a friend of mine who found out I was Catholic and reacted pretty much like this:

Definitely. I’m not sure about how her sect feels about saints, but they definitely believe in a “personal conversation/relationship” with God/Jesus Christ and a literal interpretation of the Bible which doesn’t really jive with their views of priests, bishops, and popes, nor the RCC’s more interpretive stance on the

That was my thought. I really doubt someone of Davis’ form of Apostolic Christianity would have any respect for the Pope. They believe in the literal interpretation of the Bible and a personal conversion, which is pretty much the opposite of the Catholic church, which uses other holy texts and history to provide

I don’t see why they should, really. It’s a service like Paypal, they have no stake in the delivery of the product.

So basically, you’re not really a fan of Japanese culture, then. You don’t like their language, their basic customs, or even their alphabet. What you like is called Orientalism. It’s not actually Japan.

I’m just... I’m very curious what she thought a cheeseburger was actually made from. Cheese? And also, of course it would be your favorite meal, because it doesn’t taste like anything else you eat. BECAUSE IT’S MEAT

Hey, any time. Everyone gets frustrated with trolls, and sometimes its hard to see who wants a real conversation and who just wants to pull our braids, but I’m always happy to help out with someone who really wants to learn/talk it out rather than just argue. You’ll keep making mistakes, we all do, but that’s part of

Well, I think it is great that you are looking into it instead of being defensive. One thing I would suggest is looking up some “feminism 101” book lists so that you are familiar first-hand with the various “waves” and philosophies of feminism over time, as well as their historical contexts.

Lots of feminists put their feet in their mouths all the time. We’re are people after all, and white feminists in particular have a bad habit of neglecting and overriding women of color.

Yes, but I’m pretty sure Jezebel is being sarcastic when calling what she said “interesting.” As in, she’s kind of being a dick too. She’s not recognizing that the difference between how many women and men are shown at Cannes is not caused by happenstance; if we believe that, then we basically have to believe that

Oh no, Ms. Cotillard, no!

What a bummer. This guy looks like he can’t stand the smell even with a particulate mask on.

You think so? I thought it was because of the micro-delays between moving your head and the movement of the picture on the screen. With current technology, it is impossible to close the gap enough to emulate the receptor response time of the human neurological system.

Then they would get stabbed in church by political rivals. Capitalism!

Agreed. I can’t imagine his replacement will be any more moderate or reasonable than the current Speaker.

I don’t really like John Boehner, but if his own party is ousting him because he’s not far right enough, I shudder to think what his replacement is going to be. It’s not going to be someone more moderate.