The Cranberry Cap'n

Yeah, I have a feeling that VR is going to thrive and find its fullest potential more in the theme park world, at least for the time being.

It does look super awesome, but also kind of sickening. Combined with the notorious motion sickness caused by nanosecond delays that signal to the brain your body is not in sync, it seems a little vomitive.

I was just thinking the same thing. Scale it up to support multiple passengers, add environmental paint and sets, and individual video screens or headsets á la Mission: Space and suddenly you’re flying on Aladdin’s carpet, the Millennium Falcon, or something.

That’s really sweet, but I’m afraid it’s probably an eye infection. Dogs do not shed tears emotionally the way humans do. It would make sense that the dog might have some health problems and infections after being rescued if she is coming from unideal circumstances or after exposure to other dogs in a shelter. I hope

Maybe, but there’s a lot more female actors to choose from who fit that form than effeminate male actors.

Well, Obama is a real person and Link is a fictional character who doesn’t even talk, so that’s not a great analogy. But regardless, “pants roles” for young and/or more feminine-looking male characters are not uncommon in film and theater. Peter Pan is one, Ruroni Kenshin is another recent example.

I think that’s why Nintendo has chosen to stick with a cartoon style all these years, to keep a bit of the whimsy and wonder. This looks beautiful, but it looks like a stage in Uncharted, not a fairy tale.

You really have to be “colorblind” if you go off on settling communities for white people and white privilege in front of a black police officer like he’s not even there.

Well I mean if you really want to be pedantic, they’re LEGO Bricks (or other products), not just LEGO. The company is The LEGO Group.

I agree that they did a great job recreating it. I think, though, that if Nintendo made this game now it wouldn’t be quite so much of a 1:1 correlation to the original. I appreciate that they made the stairs dip in the middle and the house lines crooked like the original, but they didn’t include the details that

Agreed. I love Gwendoline Christie, but she is much prettier than I imagined the character to be. I always loved that Brienne was just not a pretty woman at all. It was nice to have a character who by all accounts was objectively ugly, but still had a rich interior life and a personality.

It seems to me like longer sentences were made for people who are actually a threat to their community’s well being. From what I understand, it’s not the sentencing of armed robberies that is causing mass incarceration, it’s minimum sentences and minor drug charges that are crowding our prisons with people who are

A huge old oak tree across the street from my parent’s house recently was taken down, because it’s been sickly since the second lightning strike to hit it. (It was, understandably, the tallest thing in the neighborhood.) According to the rings, it’s over 200 years old. Some of its branches were 90 years old alone. The

I was just about to say, if Sonic has any chance at all, they need to go the Mario route and just make enjoyable, visually pleasing games with familiar characters and stop trying to grizzle it up. Mario and Sonic are playable cartoons, keep the content within genre.

I hate what the GOP has become, at least in terms of its leaders and public face. For me it has essentially created a one-party option at the national level, the Democrats. I want real debate on the important issues, I want to have a choice when it comes to electing one of the most powerful people in the world. But I

If this was a Behind Closed Ovens post from the staff’s perspective, no one would think this was cool.

As the mother of a young girl:

No no no no no no no

THANK YOU. Excessive martyrdom in any form just drives me up a wall. Yes, nurses are important and they save lives. Police are important and they save lives. Teachers are important and they enrich lives.

I get that. I think a lot of people are especially willing to give firefighters an extra pass, since no one is ever unhappy to see the fire truck. Police are there when you’re in trouble and when you’re “in trouble,” but fire fighters are only ever there to help you, not apprehend you.