The Cranberry Cap'n

I agree. I think it’s neat they are branching out with new ideas and a new company, but this is basically concept art. Given what happened with The Last Guardian’s announcement and nothing for years after that, I wonder if announcing so early without even any trailer or gameplay is a good idea.

No I agree, that’s what I was saying — the WiiU is halfway through its life, but it feels like it’s already over, even though we’re halfway. Like the effort isn’t quite there for the games. Maybe I’m wrong.

I kinda like it, honestly.

Even just a little more information about Zelda would have been enough to boost the program.

I couldn’t even really care about the Zelda and Fire Emblem because it was all for a system I don’t own. It felt like the WiiU showing was particularly sparse.

Environments look so much bigger, I love it. Love the style.

EEEEEEE Kingdom Hearts!!

It seems so. It kind of makes me regret my WiiU though. It feels like they are spinning their wheels while they work on the NX, and I have very few games to enjoy on it. It’s like the WiiU is already over halfway through its life.

I don’t own the 3DS, so that’s probably why. A lot of the content was for the handheld. Xenoblade looks good, but we’ve seen it before. StarFox looked good, that was a bright spot. Wooly World looks cute but we’ve seen it. There wasn’t a whole lot else, or much that was that new, to see. For me that boils down to

Nintendo’s presentation was fun, but the content was sadly lacking for me.

I had a sinking feeling when they were spending so much time on Mario Maker. I mean, it looks like fun, but honestly it’s not that mind blowing.

Interesting how he looks more like a Koopling here than humanoid.

Wait, was that it? :-\

I feel a slight sense of foreboding with all this time being spent on Super Mario Maker... is there not that much else to see?

I got so excited for two seconds, until I realized it was a board game :(

Wooly World is so cute, I can’t stand it. I don’t even care if it’s yet another platformer.

I don’t know if it’s a failure of graphics so much as design. They clearly went retro with the look, which I appreciate as someone who played the first game over 20 years ago, it looks very familiar and nostalgic to me. But it might not really appeal to younger players.

Plus I love this return to the spaceships instead of the 3rd-person Gamecube stuff they tried years ago. Spaceship/tank/walkaround StarFox transformers, looks like fun!

Wow, SF looks super retro to the SNES in terms of game play. The space flight takes me back.

Puppets are falling into the uncanny valley, like hard.