The Cranberry Cap'n

But that thing, the body, still belongs to the person who used to inhabit it, and whose wishes must be carried out — hence the existence of wills. In the absence of a will, we cannot assume what the person who owned the body would have wanted to do with its parts, and so the best course of action is to do nothing (or

Yes, like all people who cannot speak for themselves, even dead people’s wishes should be respected. That’s why we have wills: even when you are dead, you are still the owner of your body, and you can direct what will be done with it.

I look forward to when they almost definitely do a spin on Dolezal’s story in Scandal, with Olivia as her crisis manager.

Yeah, basically this reads to me as “wah, my jokes are no longer relevant, and I can’t keep up.” There is plenty of great comedy out there that doesn’t pander to the lowest common denominator for a cheap laugh.

He keeps talking but all I hear is “womp, womp, my comedy is no longer relevant.”

Like how long after exercise, though? The thought of dairy right after a workout is already giving me a stomach ache. I can’t stomach anything much heavier than applesauce for at least an hour afterwards. Maybe later that day, that’s understandable, but I think you could get more protein and fats for your effort by

I don’t know, as my kids get older and I meet more pre-teen and teen children, they surprise you with how well-spoken and insightful they can be. It’s just interspersed with fits of giggling over immature things.

Maybe it’s the generation that I grew up playing games in, but I don’t remember there being much of a divide. Sure, it was cool to play Street Fighter or Twisted Metal, but my friends, brother, and cousins all nerded out over the new Mario Kart and the invention of 3D Zelda just as much.

I don’t know. Pokemon has had a TON of merchandise for 20 years, including a completely separate card game, movies, toys, and shows, and that hasn’t stopped a consistent flow of video games on on the brand. If anything, it has helped keep the games alive.

I'm amazed, but also not surprised. J.J., for all his lens flare, is pretty committed to sets and props. I remember seeing an interview with him about Star Trek, and I thought he made a very reasonable argument that when you are set in space or another fantastic universe, you need as much physical presence as much as

for as much as I shake my head at him, even John Mccain at least took the microphone away and shook his head, grumbling "no, no" at that birthers lady in the '08 campaign

I totally went bonkers for this as a kid.

Now playing

It reminded me of Sim Theme Park which I used to play like crazy. Honestly, Sim Theme Park's graphics look almost as good as this, and it came out in 1999.

But, the fingerprints... It would drive me insane

Longer than that, even. Jamoke is a slang term for coffee from the turn of the 20th century. It came to mean idiot in the 20's.

That was my reaction, I thought maybe I was just getting old and didn't understand modern graphics. Now I feel better.

But either your boobs would be cold from ice to chill the wine, or your wine would be tepid bathwater warm.

I loved this detail. The idea that Colonial America had road signs with population numbers on it is hilarious.

but are they the man, or the fortress

I want to give you a slow clap and a high five and subscribe to your magazine.