The Cranberry Cap'n

Neat. But also, why? I have a gameboy advance micro and even that felt nearly too small.

Gamecube, PlayStation, and Xbox's names were frequently remixed by my parents when I was younger, much to our . Gdelightamebox, Playcube, Xcube, Gamestation... Xbox was the only one that ever came out right, despite the fact that we have never owned any Microsoft consoles.

My brother and I have played Mario Kart together since 1992. I was a little disappointed not to be able to laugh maniacally and taunt him during the races when we play online together.

I think it's related to seeing women as objects, rather than people. If a woman is a sex object, her twin isn't her sister, she's just a duplicate sex accessory. It's two of the same woman, rather than two related siblings.

Oh I don't doubt that at all. I've never liked Alex Trebek, even as a teenager I didn't like him for his smugness. Pat Sajak, however...

I am a Catholic and I go to church (most) Sundays, and I would be horrified/disgusted by this too. Wow, just wow.

What's eating me the most is she seems to have been fine with raising a white baby in a racist town, but now that racism is right in front of her, it's emotionally distressing.

At least you have poutine to comfort you. We just have sad Big Macs.

I don't deny your father's experience with him, but is it Trebek who makes up the categories? I have to assume that there's a Jeopardy question team who thought this up, or were at least part of it.

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Have you ever seen the ones they do on buildings? This is a cool one to mark the 600th anniversary of a building in Prague.

Never mind the outfit, they don't work like that, period! A couple of slow steps is not going to cause 4 reverberations.

Couldn't you say the same thing about pretty much every single form of visual art, though? Like, yeah, painters want people to buy their paintings. Sculptors want their sculptures to be seen. Fashion designers want people to wear, or at least appreciate, their clothes. But they also want to do it because it's

Uh oh guys, watch out, the Fake Geek Police have arrived! Hide your wikipedia searches.

Sex education. It's working.

True, but it's hard to say whether she's considered unattractive because she's so unconventional and unfeminine by the book's society's standards, or because she literally doesn't have a very pretty face.

True story: someone once tried to argue with me that full body armor is bad design for women because it makes them look ugly, using Christie's Brienne of Tarth as the example.

For all its dark corners, sometimes it is nice to be reminded that the Internet can bring people together over a shared sense of silly humor. Bravo, Chinese cos-ish-players.

I've never seen one in real life so I've just Google searched the Newfoundland. Great googly-moogly, that is a big dog, and I always had large German Shepherds!

I know this is how she appeared in the original game's art, but I miss Terra's green hair. (And her personality...)