The Cranberry Cap'n


Oh, missed that.

That's what I was saying?

This lady is the best.

It's not actually a dog breed, not in the sense that a Labrador is, that would be canis lupus familiaris. The racoon dogs are in the family Canidae, so they share common ancestry with foxes, wolves, coyotes, jackals, and dogs. But they have their own genus and species, Nyctereutes procyonoides. Wolves are more closely

I'm not totally against using real animal pelts, but customers should know what they are getting. I know a lot of people who would be really creeped out to know that they were accidentally wearing animal products.

I'm still not sure if this fellow is doing this as a goof or in earnest. Whatever the motivation is, the Photoshop fruits of this narcissism are amazing.

This is partially why I believe I will never be with a woman. I am happily married to a man and I have children, but if I were ever single again and had the option, I would date a woman if she were the right woman. I know I am bisexual. But from what I can see, it doesn't seem like a woman would ever accept me.

I'm disappointed, because Final Fantasy has such a long history of decent female characters going back to FF6 (in the States, anyway). I don't think FFX-2 is equivalent because (A) it's not a main title, (B) it was using characters from a prior game, and (C) the plot still revolved around the male main character FFX.

Your mileage may vary, I suppose.

This is from people in a community that suffered from the Slender Man stabbing, not just random concerned parents. I don't think it's too "delicate and sensitive" to ask for stores there to have the decency not to sell something that recently traumatized and hospitalized a little girl. That's not censorship, it's

I agree, eating before 7:00 is too early to even feel hungry. I have to be in by 9:00, so I have time to eat, and I usually have an egg and some fruit and toast, which doesn't take too long. Cereal is so unsatisfying when compared to a hot gooey egg yolk and warm buttery toast.

Uh, I'm pretty sure no one would praise that and also think that was super embarrassing.

Well that's one way to punish your fans...

Haha thanks, around two years old now. I definitely think it's one of those things that you aren't prepared for until it happens, no matter how prepared you think you are or how much prior exposure to children you've had. It's like... a whole 'nother level and watching every milestone is just awesome, in the truest

Glad to hear it! I remember when I had my kid, I was surprised at (1) how intense the love is for them and (2) how much fun it is to be a parent. Everyone talks about the difficult bits, probably because that's what we need to work through, but no one ever told me being a parent would be this much fun.

Sorry, fans, but you can't outdo Colin Firth here.

Eleanor Roosevelt was famously not considered to be conventionally beautiful, but her mother was.

Both are correct, in my opinion, depending on the situation. "No thank you" is a perfectly acceptable response for any date, and no further explanation is required. It would be kind to say "I don't think this is for me," if you have formed some sort of connection with the other person at all, or you have reason to