The Cranberry Cap'n

You and pretty much every other player on the planet. I hated that hatch. Also, this was before I was old enough to understand that you could accomplish tasks while listening to cut scenes.

I think everyone's disappointed when they've been deceived about someone they admired, honestly.

This is my guess. I bought the first game when it came out and you could always have queer relationships if you wanted to. I imagine the blacklisted words are from whatever the filter program they bought or borrowed to use on the game, and they didn't know it was there.

"Women ... want one major thing in life: Security."
And you would know this because... you're a man? It seems to me that you need to befriend more women. And I mean actually befriend, not just sort of know through work or other people's girlfriends.

I've noticed the opposite, they're usually the same. Perhaps you're thinking of Nice Guy™ versus an actually nice man.

Seeing as Aladdin is actually Chinese (in the original fairy tale, Aladdin takes place in China, not in the middle east), I suppose it would be much more likely for Chang and Aladdin to meet.

"They're tall, rich and hot, what more do women want in a marriage?"

Gosh, sensitivity to terrible violent tragedy? What's next, adopting rescue animals? Saying "please" and "thank you?" Sending your grandma a birthday card? Oh the humanity.

Darn you, I can't stop laughing at this one.

That puppet looks like Kim Jung Il, am I supposed to think that?

He's on fire!

As fun as this is, and the artist did a good job, sometimes I'd like to see the "grown up" fanart with either (A) everyone grown up to, like, their 40's rather than early 20's and (B) everyone doesn't necessarily grow up to be beautiful. Some of us who were awkward teens are still frumpy adults, thank you very much.

GEORGE: See, this should be a game. This is the game.

No no no why do you do this

I don't know why, it's just a keyboard, but this is making my hair stand on end. The color, the texture, the concept.... it's an assault on my senses.

Honestly, once you get to university-level coursework it is much less biased than the craptacular textbooks given out in most high schools. Depending on the university, of course. Most of my own post-secondary education consisted of relearning and rethinking what I had been taught before.

I have to admire their commitment to it, it's fairly impressive. That being said, I don't think I would do a wedding like this myself. I'd throw awesome parties like this for no reason though.

I thought she was really sweet and earnest here but in very a real way. This didn't seem like a publicity stunt or a persona, but just a real concern for a fan. I can't even imagine what it would have meant to me, if my favorite celebrity had reached out to me like that during the difficult years.

True, although I still think his in-movie fate is pretty dark. Self-earned, in true Disney fashion, but still bleak.

Well, except for Lotso. His madness driven by past neglect earns him an eternity on the front of a freight truck, slowly decaying until he finally comes apart from the force of repeated exposure to the elements.