The Cranberry Cap'n

It's definitely cool, but I feel like I'm going slightly mad just looking at it.

Unfortunately, this comes off more as "terrifying" rather than "fun."

I felt this way too. It's not just unfair to her but to all shorter contestants. I'm sure there are plenty of parkour enthusiasts out there under 5'4" who are automatically at a disadvantage because their arms/legs simply can't reach no matter what they do.

No cosplayer has to look like the actor/character in order to have good cosplay. But damn if it isn't impressive when you get this close.

They're just... everywhere. I don't even go to Cons or anything, and I still get this from regular ol' shop employees. Even something as simple and stupid as not being able to get help to find a game at the game store. I've had shop employees ask me if I was buying a game for my husband, or address the man shopping

Blargh, nooooooo.

Eh, I'd still do it for free.

I see your Hugo and raise you one Nick Arcade, a.k.a the show I wanted to be on most in the world:

Those are some very clingy swim trunks.

What time is it, folks?

Doubtful, it's probably more to emphasize their age to the audience.

Man I wish I were old enough to go on this show. It'd be awesome to be (presumably) paid to sit around and shoot the shit about stuff. "Crop tops are a terrible idea, young people! Here's a picture of me wearing them the last time they were cool. Learn from my mistakes! Learn!"

I guess that would kind of depend on one's height — size four looks a bit different on someone who is 5'0" versus someone who is 5'11". As a taller person, I would look extremely skinny in a size 4, I would have to be runway-model levels of thin in order to wear it. Whereas my shorter friends might appear more in the

Sounds great! I'm putting it in my Hulu queue, then.

Can I impose on you to ask a follow-up question? Is it campy, like Supernatural or Buffy or does it try for a more serious tone?

Because of these signs and their associated history. "People of Color" is the chosen phrase by people of color to describe people who are not white. "Colored" is a derogatory term with a sordid history, as it is obvious to see why in these photographs. (For those seeing fuzzy photographs from the filters and also TW —

Is this good? I want it to be good, but my "to-watch" list is long.

Even the first episodes of New Girl were better than this. Also, that wasn't quite the premise of New Girl, I don't think anyone was trying to make her over. Poor Pygmalion has so very far to go to even be watchable, even as a guilty pleasure. I was so, so disappointed because I just love these two actors.

That was definitely a great line.