The Cranberry Cap'n

I think it's both. The "pants" are slightly more useful in battle, although a large hoop skirt around that pretty much negates any real benefit. Even so, Zelda has fought very well in a skirt in the past (a lá Twilight Princess). But I do think there is some sexualization going on, via the breastplate with no clothing

Majora's Mask is the exception that proves the rule, though. It was a very strange game, albeit a good one. But even the discomfiting tone of MM pales in comparison with other games aimed towards adults and which use adult themes.

I'm glad to see that McDonald's standards are the same the world over.

You know, I was just thinking that too — no one worries that a man's tight pants aren't realistic. Most male heroes look like Ken dolls down there. Ezio Auditore should have been wearing a codpiece and tight leggings instead of his loose bloomers.

Also, Zelda games are, ostensibly, children's games. That's like complaining that Princess Peach doesn't have "bounce" during swerves in Mario Kart. Adults play these because they are well designed and enjoyable, but the target audience has always been for young people. There's just no need for that in a children's

Actually I think the newest Zelda is the most sexualized design she's had in a while. The breastplate with no underclothing on the chest is much lower than her usual bust line. And the shorts revealing unnecessary thigh under her cape-skirt is the first time to my memory you've ever seen her legs (when wearing a

My spiiiiiine.

They announced this a little while ago and it does seem like Ms. Wolters characterizes her relationship with Ms. Kerman, a bit differently (as in, not as serious) but I guess that's to be expected on two sides of an unusual and complicated relationship.

I laughed so loud I startled my husband at this. Imagine a high five gif here.

Oh wow. Not fair to HIM? And his remarks about your weight were, what, fair to you and your feelings? You are not a plaything for his enjoyment, or a sex doll. You are a person, for crying out loud. life happens and weight happens. My dear, you need to tell your friends or family. You need to tell someone in your life

Wow. That is absolutely terrible. I don't care what size you are to start, or to what size you have gained, being cruel to the person you are supposed to love is not healthy behavior. That is abusive.

I don't really think this is a good explanation in general (like he seems to be able to dream without accidentally kicking through the walls) but also I think the sexual subtext is a crappy and insidious trope as well. "Men can't control themselves when it comes to sex, are sexually dangerous to women," etc. Thats

True, although some people do take it pretty far in the correlation between human-human relationships and human-animal relationships. Like, I love my dog, but she is a dog. If the world ended and we were starving, I would totally eat her. I'd feel terrible about it but I would to save myself/my family. I wouldn't do

Wow... I have no words. Pets are great but they are not restaurant-friendly unless its the patio.

To be fair to yourself, that staircase is terrifying.

I think it's fine to disagree with the articles. I have had many interesting and fruitful discussions with civil people who disagree, but are willing to discuss, explain, and listen too. The point of Kinja, supposedly, is to foster conversation. I'm not really a fan of calling one another names or idiots for having

It started on Jezebel and its sub-blogs months ago and it was clearly targeted toward the Jez audience and content. They would, from what I understand, usually crop up in articles about violence against women. Once the writers finally got fed up with dealing with it for so long and wrote that letter, then it spread to

It was just on Jezebel and then it seems to have spread as of the call-out letter from the Jez staff. It had been going on for literally months targeted at Jez and sometimes its sub-blogs.

I think the problem, then and now, is that it gives the authors too much power and also too much to do. They didn't go into the greys because who has time for that? The people in the black, who were followed but were not authors, could promote comments but not people. I feel like an easier way to do it is to have

Me too. I think there are some legitimate concerns from other people being forever grey. But there's a difference between disagreement in a discussion and being a jerk. I liked that those with genuine interest in discussion were usually the ones promoted, even if they were making an argument similar to the people