The Cranberry Cap'n

There's definitely no perfect system, and as other commenters say it can homogenize the discussion sometimes. But I still think this is a good step and gives the community the power to moderate itself.

Per the Jezebel open letters and follow-up comments, Kinja currently does not track IP addresses. The burner accounts are essentially as anonymous as possible; you can't even create your own password. But even then they could just use throwaway Twitter accounts, which I believe is what a lot of the spammers were doing

Basically this, yeah. Once upon a time when I was "in the black" on Kotaku I used to wade down past the grey break and reply or recommend good comments. Now it seems like half the time some random commenter I've never even seen before shows up as the first comment with no stars, no recommends, no replies and a

Same. I'm always signed out of mobile and can't even manage to sign into my account, never mind read or post the comments.

Well technically that's not really how zero-gravity movement works for some of the animations inside the ship, too (they seem to be able to stop mid-air without grabbing on to anything, and too abruptly, and also the weight of the suit weighs down the green-haired one which wouldn't happen either.) But let's just

I would never judge someone for choosing IVF, surrogacy, or other fertility treatments if that's what they truly wanted. Infertility is a profoundly painful condition for many women and men who want children and can cause a lot of psychological stress. But as someone who was told I would have difficulty getting

*gif of Tina Fey and Amy Poehler high fiving*

Long live The Grays!

There's something about adolescence that makes kids feel invulnerable, that's for sure. Personally I was never brave enough to sit on tree branches hanging over cliffs, but I can imagine many people I knew doing it and never thinking they'd be the five o'clock news.

PBS and its associated channels, I guess, but that's it really. And they're free! I watch the ones marked PBS on Netflix.

is there anything we can do to help? Write to the higher ups and demand action? I'd be happy to do something, I just don't know what would be helpful.

I don't know how old you are now but if it makes you feel better, I don't think so many signs and barriers were put up until fairly recently, so if you went a while ago they may not have been there.

I remember seeing some kids going over the barriers to the edge at the Cliffs of Moher, despite the "WARNING: EXTREME DANGER" signs. I could see how the cliffs they were peeking over had eroded away underneath so that the edge was a slim sandstone table poking out over a 600ft drop to the ocean. I was terrified of

I miss shows from the 80's and 90's where kids looked more normal. At least, they did in my opinion. Now in all the teen shows everyone is Disney Attractive.

Dude, if you like your steak cooked well done, just admit it.

When I worked at a mid-range family dining chain, there was this one guy who would come up to the ice cream counter, order soda water with lemon, and just sit there and drink it for a half hour on the stool. Of course, soda water and lemon is technically free, so there would never be a charge. He was there almost

It's not about the cheating or even the other people. It's the lying; he wouldn't fess up even when it was blatantly obvious. He wouldn't or couldn't come clean about his inability to be monogamous until it was practically shoved in his face. Once that trust is broken, it's incredibly hard to regain at all. Combine

Shit, what the everliving hell. :(

I love musicals, but that was my reaction when I saw Chicago. A bunch of my friends wanted to go see it and told me how amazing it was, but everyone neglected to tell me that it was a musical first. So when Roxie shoots her lover and "All that Jazz" starts up, I was like WHAT WHY ARE THEY SINGING, THIS IS WEIRD WHAT