The Cranberry Cap'n

I go to a retreat center once a year with some women in my family to relax and rejuvenate. The center itself is run by a fairly progressive arm of Catholicism (indeed, such a thing exists) and emphasizes healing, meditation, and critical thought. Unsurprisingly, I am usually one of the youngest women there, most are

Wait, not to be alone until after marriage? I thought this was a no-sex relationship, not a Victorian one (and even they knew how to get around that).

As someone who is christian and liberal, I agree. I can get down with some things like "sex is a gift, it's supposed to be enjoyed," but some more conservative opinions I have encountered can make me back away slowly.

To be fair, there was that one war that started because this one chick was waaaaay too hot and stuff.

I think this is what I meant when I said that perhaps the article wasn't necessarily written for non-mothers. Objectively, no, someone's random gaseousness or cooling spray isn't all that interesting to read. But in the context of a shared experience, it's humorous. Like an inside joke, I guess. My girlfriends who are

I can't really speak to their other essays as I'm not that familiar with either Tracie/Tracy's work, but overall I think Jezebel has a snappy sarcasm that runs through most of the articles; This one struck me as more mild and actually affirming than negative. More yay, celebrate thine frump than boo-hiss, frumpiness

I don't know, I don't think it was really written for you in that case. I am a mother, and having been through the stage of early postpartum motherhood that she's talking about, and what she wrote doesn't sound joyless to me at all. Just honest. For many women, your appearance is pretty much the last thing on your

Okay, but the elements of puritanism still existing through modern strains of American far right Christianity isn't really the fault of religion at large.

It's clearly not Christianity in general since France has long strong associations with both the Catholic Church and liberated sexuality. If you want to blame religious tendencies, try more specificity, like the Puritanical roots of the country.

With the penis even on the package! For shame! The 70's were a wild time, I tell you...

This is the best one.

My mother was a teacher and once worked in a school district that had a lot of French-derived surnames. Being ethnically Québécois herself, she pronounced them all properly. The looks of utter shock and glee on the student's faces for getting the last name right for once in their lives was priceless.

I understand maybe not growing up with broccoli, but that level of unfamiliarity is astounding! Like, you've never encountered it in a restaurant or a plate of cold vegetables at a party? Ever? Or even witnessed someone else eating it? Adorable.

D'awwww. Adorable, I guess she wasn't really used to fine dining?

Haha maybe try to temper that with the knowledge that they'll be eternally grateful that someone stepped up for them? Like the way you feel when someone finally notices your awkward double-selfie and offers to take the photo for you :)

Look for other tourists who are trying to take a picture and offer to take it for them. Usually they are grateful because everyone is just as awkward as you are and doesn't know how to ask, but will accept an offer. Once you've taken their photo, ask if they might take a picture for you too (sometimes they offer to do

For the future, you can flip that around and pretty easily get shots for yourself. Just look for tourists trying to take a photo and offer to take it for them. Then once you've done them the favor, they will usually either offer or you can ask them to take a photo for you.