The Cranberry Cap'n

I get my photo taken by offering to take a photo for other tourists first. Usually they will return the favor.

Or just use camera tricks to make her seem taller than she really is, like they do with pretty much every male lead.

I think the trick is to either make it yourself, (Maangchi at has some great and easy recipes to try, with pictures so you know what it's supposed to look like), or go to a good Korean food place, if there is one available in your area.

It's difficult to describe the taste, but I really do like it. I was skeptical because of the "fermented cabbage" description, but really it's more like a spicy cole slaw without any mayonnaise. With the right meal, it's pretty good.

Man, I hated those "guess what's inside" black box things they have at children's museums. It's always a turtle shell, but it freaked me out. I always felt like something was about to bite me.

SHHH! Not so loud, you're risking arrest for "Conspiracy to Murder" these persons.

Also stupid but surprisingly accurate, minus (in my case anyway) doing disgusting things to the food. Screwing with the food, like overcooking or undersalting it sure, but not the nasty stuff they do in that movie.

I actually love the imperfections, it's so refreshing to see when everything else is so carefully crafted and usually done by computer now.

Basically the modern day equivalent, yes, but so much more permanent.

A friend of mine had their wedding at a chain restaurant diner, and I was seriously doubtful about it. Were we all going to get burgers with optional fries for dinner? But this particular restaurant was situated on the ocean with a lovely gazebo and dock behind it, and it ended up being really quite lovely.

I am always amazed that these kinds of letters somehow survived without being burned in a fire. Are they forgotten in a box somewhere? I feel like if I lay dying, I'd ask the nurse to go grab that shoebox on the top shelf and stick it in the meat grinder.

It's not the dissenting opinion so much as putting down other people's opinions, on top of insulting the athlete himself for "looking like he broke out of prison." Big difference.



Er... considering the participants said "when school starts," I'm guessing they are probably minors. Wouldn't it be prudent to black out their last names, at least?

Beat me to it. Argh. Lovely brownface on Ramses, the Egyptian pharaoh.

I was just about to cry foul on this one, that he totally ripped off Luca from Der-Shing Helmer's The Meek, but then I checked the gallery page and saw the same piece there. It's fanart.

I thought the same thing — who holds an entertainment event at a war memorial? That's not what it's for. At least here in the U.S., the war memorials are taken pretty seriously. You don't have a Pokemon convention with Pokemon models in front of the Vietnam Memorial in D.C., it would be unthinkable. Even if it's on

It's not when the people affected by it (i.e. "comfort women" sold or kidnapped into sex slavery and forcibly raped, families torn apart by occupation and war, being seen as subhuman and having their culture systematically erased by a conquering government within living memory) are still living and protesting for