The Cranberry Cap'n

Damn, wow.

See, I don't think this is a good thing. Artificially stretching further than you would usually go is asking for injury to the muscles and ligaments. The whole point of yoga is to do what you are capable of and work up in small increments as your body allows you. Using supplements to push limits in the form of heat,

Thank you for your almost forgiveness!

In a cursory Google search, I could find very little information about the origins of hot yoga and where it comes from. It's often associated with Bikram yoga, which is named after a man who invented it, but that bio didn't mention the requirement for heat. Everything else looks similar to this bunch of bologna. Here

Ditto for Babar the Elephant. Loved those books as a child, re-read them before my own daughter was born and was completely horrified at the racist, pro-colonial tone. Basically Babar, an African elephant, escapes a hunter and grows up in a city (France). When he grows up he goes back home (Africa) and brings

I don't know where Bikram originated from, to be honest. Perhaps hot rooms have some significance to practicing yogis who see yoga as primarily spiritual. But for its spread across mainstream America, for whom yoga primarily exercise, it seems like one more case of X-TREEEEME!-type, push-yourself activity that

I don't really like the movie Dumbo (the racist crows are just awful, among other things), I always did like how the mother-child relationship was portrayed. Dumbo's mother is the most affectionate and loving mom in cartoon history.

Why, Disney. Whyyy

As I recall, they all were painfully wooden in the first few movies. They were ten and almost no child is a decent actor at that age, especially when you limit your pool to British-only actors.


This was my first thought. Considering the deliberate steps homosexual couples have to take to have a child, either by adoption, surrogate, or artificial insemination for women, I'd think the chances that the child is wanted and planned for would be much higher. Not that accidental pregnancies don't end in happy

Man, he must hate going to Mass.

You forget what a nice smile Alan Rickman has until you see photos of him off set. Even in most of his movies he's cast as a moody Colonel Brandon-type character.

To be fair, how on earth would anyone predict sexual chemistry when the children were cast for their roles at age of 10 and 11? Even if Rowling knew at the time that Ginny and Harry were destined to end up together in the story, it would be impossible to know whether they would sizzle on screen together ten years

Yes! Even in the books I thought Luna (or Hermione) was a better match for Harry. Ginny was written like a puppy love crush, she had no purpose or personality beyond being hot and unavailable as his best friend's sister. Luna was a true friend.

True, although the book she wrote about Dumbledore had a lot of truth to it. Which is probably why Rowling chose Skeeter to be the voice of this "column" and that book — to keep you guessing as to which parts are true and which are completely made up.

I dunno, I always thought that the epilogue of the cast seemed way too surburban for children who had been through as much trauma, terror and war as the Hogwarts crew had. It wouldn't surprise me if they ALL were drinkers or whatever the magical equivalent is of self-medicating addiction.

For people interested in good cat-related animated movies, the concept art reminds me of A Cat in Paris: