The Cranberry Cap'n

It's good that you find any murder unsettling. But you should also care what color, or gender or orientation for that matter, because these crimes disproportionately effect certain communities.

I can look past it in animation, especially long running shows with a ton of episodes. But when it starts showing up in comics or in shows that are otherwise high-quality, I find it irritating. It's lazy, which is fine when you need to cut back on production costs and animation time, but that's no excuse in comics.

Murder would be difficult to convict — they'd have to prove motive that she deliberately wanted to kill the children. Criminal negligence and endangerment, though, that we can do. I'm not a legal expert but some criminal negligence of a child I believe qualifies as a felony.

I'm not a litigious person, but I sure as hell would.

Seriously. There's a reason people go silent when you say that shit at parties, Gary. It's not because they agree with you. So disappointed.

Agree, "me" time is easier when bedtime is 7:30. Babysitters don't even have to do anything, just come watch tv and make sure my kid stays sleeping.

Thanks for the sharing the background on this. I wasn't familiar with the chorus, and knowing this puts the song into perspective and I appreciate the song more.

If it's any comfort, now that I actually have kids of my own, and tall ones to boot, this is no longer my first conclusion.

Honestly, I'm not so sure it was a three year old. It might have been a large two year old. Either way, as a parent sometimes you do let one go. My daughter is a year and four months old, and is typically a peach. But when she's tired, she might bite or hit or scream, as most children will do at some point. 99% of the

Also, my mom never hit us but she used to do this very effective, incredibly scary thing where she would grab our wrist and mumble in our ears to "stop it right now." Oh man, scariest thing in the world.

I think the "big for his age" idea is a good point. When I was interviewing my day care provider, I met one of the other boys at day care and he seemed incredibly immature to me. I was a little uneasy about sending my baby with company of what looked like a bratty child, but I found out he was just a very, very large

Helloooooo legs!


Similar happened to me. I went to a reunion and an old serious boyfriend that ended badly was there. Everyone who knew both of us were on awkward tiptoes. Eventually I just came up to him and said "heya, how's it going, how's life?" just to break the stupidity. It was five years ago! Who cares!

Yes, this. No one cares, dude. They moved on, you moved on, no one is waiting around for an apology and dwelling on you.

I don't know, this seems like there are some flaws but any attempt to weed out creeps is a step in the right direction, I suppose. Still, I see several loop holes.

Now playing

I thought that might mean it had nothing especially good to announce, but given the strength of what we saw on Tuesday morning's Nintendo Direct, I'm disappointed there wasn't a big, flashy conference to go with it. I would have loved to have been in the room when that Zelda reveal happened. Instead I was watching the

You had me at "Bear Granade."

Lol no. I meant this is how my parents felt when peasant skirts came back in style and other styles that they wore first. Now I am the old.