The Cranberry Cap'n

Back in my day, if you wanted to be bored watching your friend play, you had to sit on their couch.

What. First of all: fantasy and fictional games. But if we want to be "realistic" about military games, one in every 6 or 7 characters should be a woman, for US militaries. Secondly:

Somewhere over the rainbow, my friend. Baby steps.

"Does Hollywood get this much outrage for not having female leads"

This is what my parents felt like

One of the reasons Watch Dogs was so disappointing. Promising something new and different, ultimately was microwaved leftovers.

What is being the same for the sake of being the same.

These clothes are like a hideous 90's fever dream. What is happening.

Seriously. If you're going to do that. Copy/paste, dude.

Much of it is fear of a straw man. People are erroneously terrified that every game ever made will be required to have equal proportions of women, men, people of color, disabled people, etc. But that's not what anyone is asking for, and in any case it will never happen so it's a silly thing to feel paranoid about.

To be honest, I don't think it's even this game specifically. AC is just becoming a flashpoint and lightning rod for these kinds of gaming issues right now because of their "multicultural team" motto and frankly rather lame excuses. In the big picture of things, not having female character models in a weird

Well, he still appears to have the body of a 25 year old who goes to the gym a lot, so at least some things haven't changed...

The writer of Sherlock and currently Doctor Who.

Firstly, I said "few", not "none." The fact that you have to go that far down the ranks to playable characters on two handheld game sequels kind of proves my point. Plus, Nate has longish hair, but it's still not down past his shoulders.

I totally agree that men are (and should be, if they can call themselves decent writers) capable of writing great diverse characters. Still, I can't help but notice that when great women writers are involved, like Amy Hennig, the female characterizations tend to be way better. Uncharted may have been a silly male

Indeed. More women behind the production in general would be a good start. Part of the reason we keep getting the same male-dominated stories is because it's a male dominated field. Ditto movies and television.

So if you agree that we need more and better games with women, why are you defending the gaming companies to do "choose what they want" rather than jumping in with us and saying "hey, how about some women from time to time?" Or questioning why it was necessary to make yet another game about the same character type agai

Cutest Disney Prince ever.

YOU are silencing us by telling us to stop caring that the games we play don't have people like us in them. You don't get it. Women PLAY the "dude bro" segment of gaming. That is why we would like to see ourselves in Assassin's Creed. We're not tromping in here, demanding games we don't care about have a few women who