The Cranberry Cap'n

I have literally never seen anyone use the term fake geek girl on Jezebel. Ever. #trollingfail

Er, what happened to Laura Croft's torso? It just disappears past her elbow.

I am buying all the Cheerios.

No, actually. The server is being instructed by his pretentious employer to fold your napkin for you like you are a child, (or worse, put it on your lap for you, *shudder*) to spare his clients the shocking sight of unfolded napkins on temporarily vacated chairs. I assume such an establishment would quickly clear the

Yes, on your chair if you are returning. You only return the napkin to the table at the completion of the meal, when you are done.

Poor Hope. His story wasn't great but I think he gets a lot of ire. Snow was clearly the most pointless character of the whole cast.

The first game was definitely linear, but the major problem wasn't so much it's linearity as the fact that much of the game is literally tunnels or enclosed spaces, and you can't even return to where you went before. You're just sort of propelled forward and it feels a bit like going through the motions. FF13-2

I actually think that it is a good idea for them to make sequential titles. Less time in between titles, reinventing the wheel and gameplay each and every time. Less investment in reinventing the graphics and the gameplay means more time focusing on the plot and characters, which is Final Fantasy's biggest problem

I don't think that punching is ever really the right course of action unless it is self-defense, but I also HATE that this racist asshole got rewarded with $250k for being a hateful bigot.

It's amazing what lighting does to fabric and photography. In the carpet shots, it isn't my favorite dress, but the fabric is interesting, at least. In this shot, under the harsh florescent lighting, she looks like she's wearing tin foil.

Seriously. This man violated her, he took away control of her body and her decision of what was growing inside it. If you believe in reproductive rights, you believe in both sides, not just the right to abortion, but the right to have children if you want them. Bar none.

Shape and pattern aside, this doesn't seem like a good fabric choice. Its sheen is showing every single wrinkle.

Seriously, commenters? This man forcibly aborted a woman's wanted pregnancy from her body, violating her bodily autonomy, endangering her in the process from the potential side-effects including bleeding, and fourteen years is too much for you?

How the hell did he even get Cytotec?

Yes, you are. I'm in those other threads and I've read those other comments. There you are explaining why the company published this article, or agreeing that these issues are important. But here, this is the only comment I see on this whole article where you are calling someone out. You're calling him out on using

Stephen, I respect your writing and what you and others are trying to build here at Kotaku, but I disagree with you here. People who dismiss sexual harassment against women as not important and victim-blame don't have "different opinions." They are sexists and bigots. They have wrong opinions.

They get harassed. They get death threats. They get rape threats. They get people finding their home addresses and posting pictures of their families...

You're right, we should continue to treat casual sexism with impunity and suffer insults in silence. That will solve everything.