The Cranberry Cap'n

I'm so jealous of you, Canada.

I don't know why, but I could watch people biting on random objects to see if they are edible all day. This is so entertaining.

Maybe? It was nearly twenty years ago, so it's kind of hard to say now. The space parts look vaguely familiar...

No, I visited and worked at them as a volunteer.


Haha, I don't doubt it. On the flip side, during the humid, fucking hot summers I can't stand to be outside for more than five seconds in the South. It's atrocious, I don't want to wear any clothes at all and even the pool/pond/lake feels like bath water. And the bugs, they're so huge. I don't know how you deal.

I always thought it was weird when my cousins from Florida were wearing jackets when it was 60 degrees outside. The family from northern climes were more like — Woo! Shorts weather!

This is partially why the rating system is so stupid. The King's Speech was rated R just because of the scene were Colin Firth loses it and says "fuckity fuck" twenty times in a row. But it's an insightful and interesting movie that a teenager could really benefit from and make them think. The language has a context.

You got me. I do still like to eat those neon orange, boxed "au gratin" potatoes, despite myself. The secret is out.

This right here is what is wrong with our society right now. Shit.

Oh, help me, iCarly. My nieces used to watch that show all the time, unsupervised, when they were way too young for it, and would then imitate the flippant attitudes of the kids on the show towards adults. Because obviously, they didn't understand the moral of the story when screaming at one another or being flippant

I snuck it from time to time by the time I was in high school, but my adolescent battles were elsewhere.

No. Mom just didn't approve of the crude humor. South Park was banned as well. I don't feel particularly deprived.

I did the same thing by watching Saturday morning "cartoons" on the Scifi network. I vividly remember some woman in a space adventure getting impregnated and having her baby within minutes/hours who was an adult fairly quickly and also seemed robotic and perhaps evil/murderous. I still wish I could figure out what

I once accidentally saw parts of Jurassic Park when I was way too young for it, and I was pretty sure raptors were turning the handles of my closet for, oh, years.

Unfortunately we can't control everything they see, but I do think we can control the message by saying we don't approve of such-and-such show and why. And also, if they do encounter ambiguous morality, going over it with them. Don Draper did a bad thing, why do you think that is? etc., etc.

Blegh, my niece and nephew (both under 12) saw the latest James Bond movie when it came out and I said to my husband, they do know it's not the Pierce Brosnan, parasailing-on-a-tidal-wave Bond anymore, right?

I wasn't allowed to watch The Simpsons until I was in college/out of the house. I wasn't allowed to watch R-rated movies until I was 17, ditto PG-13 and being 13. I plan to do the same for my kids. I'm fine, enjoyed my "bubble" childhood, totally normal adult now. Don't worry what other people say. I'd be more worried