The Cranberry Cap'n

Guys, don't read the comments in the links. Just... don't do it.

Yeah. Like everything new in graphics and tech, people go overboard at first before settling into its best use. Still, I found it kind of funny that in the compound with high solid walls, grass tucked into the corners is waving around wildly like it is a hurricane outside.

I appreciate your support. Honestly I don't think it is so much that people are glamoured by the industry so much as people staunchly defending something they like and that they perceive is being attacked unjustly. The anonymity of the internet plus the lack of tone in text makes the temptation to be dismissive or

It does seem like it's awfully windy a lo in Post Apocalyptic Town.

I agree with your second point. I like the gameplay concept (Mirror's Edge meets Survival Horror), but the premise is disappointingly predictable.

Are you talking about Anita Sarkeesian? I watched her video series, or at least what is up of it at the moment. I thought she made some pretty valid points, it wasn't shitty at all.

You cold also break it down even further ... and suddenly every kind of pandemic/epidemic is exactly the same. So would that be any better, really?

That was my thought as well. Is Spike on something? He can't stay still. He's giving you a mission while sitting down, getting up and weirdly lunging at you, looking at the back wall, leaning over the desk, all while flapping his arms about loosely in less than thirty seconds. He's doing what my acting director used

Zombies. Weren't you listening?

No need to be defensive, I'm not attacking you. I'm not even attacking this game, and honestly I will probably play it because the gameplay looks interesting enough to pick it up. But different people have different desires when it comes to games. It's not wrong to be tired of the same central conceit over and over

Don't get me wrong, I'll probably still play it like all the others. The gameplay looks interesting enough and the environment is well rendered. But I'm getting bored of the same concept over and over again. It's not wrong to be tired by the same story.

I am past the point of over-saturation. Rebranding the same concept with different gameplay doesn't make it less tiresome. The games you listed are slightly different in story and tone, but boil down to the same thing. I'm bored of being served mashed potatoes one night, french fries the next, and baked potatoes the

First day would buy, game of the year ++

Yay... more zombie games...

Does it? I have no idea what he is talking about when he says "people support feminazi craziness instead of awesome ideas like this." I don't remember anyone supporting a game that is "radically" feminist. I've never even heard of a game in development along those lines. So I'm not optimistic about the intent.

I dunno. Minimalism is when something is reduced down to its necessary elements. I guess Pong is more minimalistic than this game, but you could make the argument that the pared-down aesthetic of the game with brown twigs and green puffs to represent trees is following the path of minimalism, if it isn't yet there.

Yeah that... that doesn't make it better.

The concept isn't mind-blowing, but the puzzle they've laid out in the test video is super simple. I feel like I would be more excited if we got to see a real brain teaser that showcases how the mechanics really affect the game play.

It really does look terrifying. Something about the noodles and the color that frightens. But the taste!