The Cranberry Cap'n

Ha, good point. With the index finger slightly out as it is, it would be easy to animate in the "pencil hold" of chopsticks. But seriously, try to recreate that fork hold. Grip the stem of the fork in your bottom three fingers and palm, while holding your index finger out. I guess the thumb would be against the three

Bonus: when we were older and found out that the gift-giving part of Santa wasn't "real," he was still real because he switched to inhabiting the charity and goodwill of my parents, rather than doing it on his own.

My mother always told us that Santa is a spirit, not a man, and so he has no true appearance. Rather, he is the essence of the spirit of charity, warmth, and goodwill that you feel at the holidays. Therefore all the people you see at the mall or in the store or at the festival are just inhabited by the spirit and

Newsflash! When a lighter skinned parent and a darker skinned parent have children these kids can go all along the color spectrum!

Pasteurization was invented for this reason. Filing this one under "Duh."

I find saying "Thanks, but I'm a practicing Catholic" pretty much wards off any and all evangelists, Scientologists included.

I always wonder why these people join. Is it the connections to try to be more successful?

Reminds me of all the toe- and foot-less pigeons I've seen in the subways. I always think — what have you been doing?!

VVS makes me very very sad.

I don't know why, but I didn't recognize this as Ratatouille at first. I thought it was a cute blue baby dragon and was just about to ask you where I can see that movie.

I feel you. Still, I'm not too concerned about this rat, and not just because he's a disease-carrying pest for city dwellers. He doesn't look like he is in distress, and if he was, all he has to do is tire himself out enough to lay down, and he'll ride to the top step where he can step off easily.


I've heard 7-11, like the Kit-Kat, is a really popular brand in Japan. Great marketing, I guess?

And razor sharp teeth, apparently, to chew so quickly.

This really illustrates well the silliness of the one-armed anime run. Dynamic for comics and cartoons, silly for humans.

My favorite part of that gif is the cop in the back who is trying so hard not to find this funny, but failing.

Haha, there's nothing like substituting in a man to illustrate how ridiculous and silly these sequences are.

Definitely have that bishounen aesthetic.

How does he fit that whole steak in his mouth? It just disappears...