The Cranberry Cap'n

Not to rain on your parade — I find most showers as dreary as the next person — but couldn't you just not go to the showers instead of begging people not to invite you? I've definitely found "prior commitments" for this kind of thing before.

Honestly, I'm glad people are uncreative about announcing engagements. The "creative" ways people are coming up with the announce things (not engagement-related, but the Cake Gender Reveal party for people's pregnancies: BARRRFFFF) are starting to get wayyyyy more annoying. To me, at least.

I wonder if it gets exhausting to be done up like this all the time. There's no going out in sweats — not even fancy celebrity "athletic wear" — for Lady Gaga.

The problem I had with the wreath was that it was so obviously fake flowers. They couldn't have sprung for real ones for the one live show?

I think the problem is that over-acting is less noticeable on stage, because the audience is far away. Overdoing it makes sure the message gets across. You're supposed to make your movements larger and more physical, because the audience can't see that your eyes are subtly sad from 100 feet away.

I'm not big on emoticons, but...

That was my feeling. Certainly live television can be live and exciting, there are so many live talent shows, and SNL, and that live episode of 30Rock to prove that. But something in the way the show was produced made it feel half-way between a filmed stage production and television, and it didn't work at all.

I said the same thing on the liveblog last night — something about the cameras and the lighting made the whole thing feel like a daytime soap rather than a live stage production. I don't know enough about filming to pinpoint exactly why, but it was very odd.


Oh yeah, for sure. I edited my response to include Rolf and how his line "I'm seventeen, going on eighteen" (wow, so old, so wise!) is basically the punchline of the song at how silly the two of them are.

Also, no mention of the completely BOTCHED scene between the Nazi officers and Captain Von Trapp when they come to collect him at his house? I wanted to shout "Line? Line???" for them.

To be fair, "Sixteen Going on Seventeen" is supposed to show how naïve Lisl is, because she's falling for a Nazi sympathizer who wants to control her.

It's not just me, it's the guests too (I'm talking generally, not specifically about these particular guests. Maybe these guests were totally cool with this display and didn't find it silly at all. Certainly there are entire Klingon weddings out there where all of the participants are completely serious about it.)

See, but this is what I think is sad about the current wedding complex — wedding attendees naturally being referred to as an audience, rather than guests.

You're right. It hinges on the question of to whether or not a wedding is — ultimately — a solemn event. To me, it is, and therefore there is a level of decorum that is appropriate. The same would go for other major life events, like a funeral or a 50th wedding anniversary. That doesn't mean the tone of a wedding

Whatever floats their boat, I guess. But honestly in my personal opinion, this is getting out of hand. For me, a union shouldn't be theater or a choreographed production. Over the top staging like this just seems to take away from the seriousness of the commitment a couple is supposed to be making to one another, to

The set just looks like Days of Our Lives... It doesn't help how cheesy this feels at all.

People hate her in the books, too, and I never understood why because A) she is eleven or twelve years old and B) you hear her internal monologue. She gets a certain restrained "fuck you" inner monologue even when she is physically prevented from action in the books. Anya's story is great, but she's not always likable

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