The Cranberry Cap'n

Depending on her origin story and the mechanics of the world and here powers in the movie, Wonder Woman could have a similar "out of time" back story where she has actually lived for quite a few years before venturing out into the modern world. It's been suggested in the comics that while perhaps not immortal, she is

I definitely saw Miss Blue Fart too.

This picture. So cute.

It does, I'm sorry to say. Although in my area, at least the people I've spoken to recognize that it sounds bad, even if they are still racist homophobics.

I forgot about that one too. Ick.

I tell people who say "I'm not homophobic, I just don't want to see men kissing" to just replace "men" with "mixed races", and see how that sounds. It's actually worked once or twice.

I'm not so sure about that. Even if they aren't responsible for this ad, I wouldn't hire any company who had such a terrible grasp of their own advertising.

Who the hell sees Mickey Rooney as Mr. Yunioshi and thinks "Wow, this is amazing comedy gold!" and not "Wow, please make it stop this is so wrong, what the hell!"

It makes me wonder what they think racism is, if "the races should be separate" isn't racism.

Arrrrrrrrghhhhh! I don't even AGHHH

For sure, Shakespeare is probably a much better example than mine. For a contemporary example, John Gardner's Grendel is a fan fiction of Beowulf. Tom Stoppard's Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead is also a fan fiction of Shakespeare's Hamlet, which is a fan fiction of Amleth.

If you ever need to defend fan fiction again, just bring up the Odyssey. It's basically a fan fiction of a character from the Iliad, if you don't buy that the same guy actually wrote both of the poems.

I was thinking the same thing. I wouldn't be able to hold it together, whether or not I liked the original Anchorman.

Sometimes I find "Elders React" amusing, but much of the time it just makes me really wary of lecherous old men.

Just reminds me of:

When I in my third year of high school, we had a mandatory thirty page research paper which was very strenuous (for teenagers) and extensive. The topic could be on whatever you wanted, so I chose women's representation in advertising. Basically it boiled down to the problematic presentation of an "ideal" female image

I recommended them to my mom and dad and bought them all three books for their birthdays. They loved them and have already gone to see the second movie before I did.

They have all completely missed the mark on why these books resonate with teenagers. The entire world is built around the concept that young people are manipulated, abused, and neglected by their elders and given a broken and hopeless system to deal with. Given the state of the economy and the outlook for teenagers

See ya

I don't know if she does or not. I haven't met her and I'm not intimate with her eating and exercise habits. I'm not her doctor.