The Cranberry Cap'n

Brian, the comments section is infuriating in it's blind refusal to acknowledge the historical and current issues of privilege, cultural appropriation, fetishization, or even the opinions of people who are actually Asian/Japanese/Chinese/Korean and offended by this. So I just want to say thanks for reporting on this,

And rightly so.

Here you go: "Katy Perry wears inappropriate and racist 'Asian' outfit, forgets about privilege. But at least she didn't paint her face yellow."

It's a young adult book, so it's not so much dystopia for dummies as it is a dystopia for first-timers. That it appeals to so many people who haven't read dystopia or science fiction much before isn't surprising.

I felt the same way as you re: Supernatural. My sister started watching it and I poked fun because it was a WC show, and the clips I saw were so hokey and cheesy and obviously fan bait for young women. Two hot dudes fighting monsters and sulking.

I think I would feel the same way you do if I had only seen the movies. Personally, I thought the Harry Potter movies were garbage. I remember thinking when I saw the fourth movie that this must be so confusing to someone who doesn't already know what is happening.


I keep waiting for Jake to do something, and the poor guy is just hanging around like a dork. I feel like he's just tossing a line or two per episode and standing around drinking coffee and looking hot. There's not anything really happening between him and Olivia, and his contributions to the team are already pretty

Honestly, it is really hard to tell what she actually looks like with bleached brows because she keeps sticking her tongue all over the place.

Pfft, forget Kelly O., her 'brow rival Tony Goldwyn is doing it right now:

I know that pretty much all of these are enhanced with eyebrow pencil/powder, but damn if I don't think they're great anyway.

Well, I wouldn't blame yourself. It went wrong when they decided to tell you a deeply embarrassing story - what should be a source of family shame - as a "joke," not because you were subjected to it. You're the victim here, but I totally agree that you don't have to put up with it in the future.

In any case, I'm sorry that happened to you. I just don't get that shit at all.

"Haha, you know what's funny, people closely related to me think that you are inherently inferior! Don't you think that's hilarious?"

Same. Everyone - men and women - have sex for different reasons, which is fine. But orgasm is definitely the goal for me. I'm disappointed if I don't have one, which is part of the reason why I never bothered with sex outside of a relationship.

Oh God, someone told you a story like that and thought it would be funny? You don't relate those stories (to anyone!), you never speak of them again, except to tell any impressionable people (children) who might have heard it how bad and inappropriate it was and we don't believe that.

I felt this way about Margaret Atwood's Oryx and Crake. Such a good book, but sometimes so disturbing I had a hard time reading.

I once watched a documentary on Netflix about life after porn. It was incredibly depressing, especially for the women. The only woman who seemed happy was the one woman who got into porn because she wanted to, and not because she was slowly coerced or had a background of family problems, self image issues, and/or

I don't think he meant that racism is actually in the past, but that we have a word for it that demarcates a time where "racist" went from "normal" to "unacceptable" as a concept.

You're completely right. In 1970 when racial tension was supposedly much higher and New York a more dangerous place, my mother - a white woman - was visiting the city for the first time alone. She was from the country and had no idea where she was going and got off at the wrong stop, which happened to be in the middle