The Cranberry Cap'n

I think I live in a bubble, because I don't feel the way you just described at all as a white woman. But stories like this and Trayvon Martin and the myriad of other stories about racially-motivated insanity always take me by surprise. They make me sick to my stomach. And they make me realize that I'm living in a

Wow, you win today, my friend. You win today.

I agree. Let's not blame the victim here. It's not his fault that other people took advantage of him.

What the heck, that is so violating and wrong. I'm disappointed in Jezebel that the video was re-posted here. This creepy invasion of privacy is awful in the first place, it doesn't need to be spread around.

Agreed. Glass is just fine, no need to fancy up the water vessels.

Brooks Brother's ties are pretty expensive (like $55 - $60), but at the top of this page they have instructional videos on how to tie one. You can probably pick up a bow tie for a lot cheaper from Macy's or JCPenny's in the men's section.

You're probably right, the misnomer is likely a side effect from the movement away from Victorian-era, one-function utensils (pass the asparagus tongs?) in favor of multipurpose, informal utensils. But I still can't get over how silly and on-the-nose "butter spreader" sounds.

Haha, no offense taken. Seriously though, your friends need to step off on monitoring your mouth.

I honestly think the table reset is far easier for large multi-course dinners. First of all, an array of more than five or six utensils surrounding the plate at once starts looking silly and ostentatious. It also quickly starts to take up a lot of room. Secondly, you're already bringing the plates in and out and

I can't keep up with the fancification of ordinary items. It seems the bread plate has gotten a new name as well, just so you know not to put the butter on the tablecloth.

Lol, alright, alright. But if you were at my dinner party, I wouldn't be commenting on anything. I was just wondering why anyone would be telling you what utensil to use, it doesn't make sense. As the host, you just clean up whatever utensil was used with the plate and bring out the next course. If the guest runs out

I don't know, man. I like informal burger cookouts as much as the next person, but fancy dinners have their place too. I look like a slob in a sweatshirt every damn day, sometimes it's nice to button up and eat off of china. It's not like a formal dinner changes the conversation with my friends — it's just a change of

What the heck, why is anyone telling you which utensil to use? It's incredibly simple for guests — use the outside utensil first, then work your way in with each dish. If a dish requires more than the utensil provided or the utensil is out of order, the host set the table incorrectly and/or cooked the food

What. It's not a butter spreader, it's called a butter knife. Let's not make up unnecessary names, people.

It is much easier and simpler (and also correct) to place the dessert fork and spoon horizontally above the plate, the fork handle facing to the left and the spoon handle to the right.

Interesting comparison, although it mostly looks just a bit sharper and with different colors and slightly more complex lighting effects.

Love Diggs' outfit. Sharp, simple, classic.

Pretty cool photo though!

Yeah, we just sat down with our parents and just said "Hey, wanted to let you know that The Cap'n is pregnant." No colored cake reveal or anything. And then we called everyone else who mattered. By then, it didn't even make sense to post it to Facebook because everyone who cared already knew.

Don't push it. See a specialist to make sure you aren't doing any permanent damage. To add to the chorus of others, get very, very good running shoes. Asics running sneakers were always the best for me, anything else caused blisters and problems. They're incredibly expensive (the kind you want are going to be over