The Cranberry Cap'n

When I was a kid, my mother gave us stern warnings whispered quietly in the ear (which to my memory is an absolutely terrifying event). If we disobeyed more than once, she would threaten to take us out to the car to wait while everyone else finished dinner inside. If we disobeyed that, she would take us out to the car

What the — were they being serious? Referring to children's age by month is standard for up to two years, and what children are referred to medically, but 8 years old?

I have children and I had the opposite reaction re: restaurants. Now it doubly annoys me when people let their children misbehave in public, because I know what it's like and can now tell the difference between a parent who is trying their best — hey, sometimes kids have meltdowns, I get it — and a parent who just

Other people said much of what I would say above, but I'll also add that doctors refer to children under two in months, so it kind of becomes habit before two years old. Like "Okay, bring Bobby back in for his 18 month check-up in November."

In parts of Asia, when you get a haircut, there are hairstyle magazines from which you can pick a new 'do. They tend to have the latest cuts and most of the hairstyles are fairly typical for Asia. But, among the normal styles, there are outliers: The wild ones, the edgy ones, and the very sad ones.

Ugh. That hairdo. I always went with some version of a bun. Unrestricted hair getting in the eyes never made sense to me for someone who is supposed to be a commander and a warrior.

The worst thing Batman: Arkham Origins: Blackgate has going for it is its mouthful of a title.

I'm talking about entire areas of Italy who spontaneously have red hair, and not because a bunch of Irish people moved there at some point.

The routine is the key. The key to everything. The master key to the boss lair of happiness.

Also, why does a baby need a hair dryer? It has no hair, or so little it dries with a towel in 10 seconds.

I was getting the same problem, on a computer and using Chrome. It's not just you that was getting logged out.

That makes sense especially if you don't have much exposure to them. Fear of the unknown and all, and I'm honestly not trolling or being sarcastic. Babies can't communicate directly and it's frightening to not know what to do with one if you aren't familiar. I didn't know what to do with babies either until I had my

Haha, maybe I am. My baby never responded to car rides and usually went straight back to sleep after eating in the middle of the night.

When my baby was still waking up frequently, I liked it too. The quiet midnight rocking and eating was pleasant in its own weird, exhausting way. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad it's over, but it wasn't that bad in retrospect. But then my baby was never a screamer, never hard to calm down, only woke up to eat and always

You have my sympathies, mate. Mine's seven months old and sleeps 7pm - 6am now. It gets better.

So, does your DS light up every two to three hours in the middle of the night and won't stop until you push the "soothe" button for at least ten minutes? Luckily, after four months it stretches to five hours!

These were undeniably brilliant when they came out, but they always creep me out. I haven't watched those in forever.

Hey man, the MRAs (women are more diverse than men in video games LOLLLL) are out in force on you for appreciating a little gender diversity, so I just wanted to give you a high-five. High five!

I agree with you on the mirrors, but not the televisions. I find exercise so incredibly boring, it's nice to have a distraction to make it feel a little more fun. Jogging/cycling/stairmastering through an episode of Scandal is a lot more interesting to me than jogging at a white wall.

I haven't, but I'm practically an old woman in comparison to the early-twenties women at a University gym. Especially since I don't bother with designer gym wear.