The Cranberry Cap'n

The identical hands look really freaky all lined up together.

Sure, but "can" is different than "must."

Now that I'm a parent, I am way into the lame parent-child combination costumes. Cheesy family costumes, bring it on!

So you go as J.D. Salinger for Halloween?

They are being sarcastic and poking fun at the issue.

For the less handy of us, I'd love some ready-made costumes I don't have to stitch together from six different sources that actually cover up my boobs.

This. There is a lot more genetic variety around the world than it seems. For example, despite the olive skin, dark hair stereotype of Italians, there are sections of Italy where people have red hair and blue eyes and basically look "Irish", and other areas where Italians are tall, blonde, and very Scandinavian

What you should think about is your motivations. Do you feel bad because your partner seems unsatisfied? Have you talked with him or her about it? Sometimes I check in with my husband just to say "Hey, are you satisfied? Do you want more (or less?) I really want to know," quite literally so there's no

Durr, thanks Google. I probably should have bothered to do that first.

I've said this several times on this website, but I really subscribe to the idea that people have different libidos, and it is okay if one couples frequency of sex is lower than another's. What's more important is whether those libidos match within the couple. If you have two people who want to do it every day,

From time to time? No. It's impossible for both partners to be raring to go at exactly the same time every time one of them desires sex. Some give and take seems normal to me. But doing it because one partner wants to and the other just acquiesces all the time? Probably there is an issue there that needs to be

Off topic, but horny is such a weird term. It brings to mind cartoony wolves literally growing horns and panting when a beautiful she-wolf walks by. I wonder where the term comes from.

The sweet wine bias irks me too. They have their place, and they are much easier for the average person (ditto beers without so much hops in them) to stomach. So what? Just because something is palatable to the common man doesn't mean its bad. Vanilla ice cream is palatable to the common man, that doesn't mean French

My mind is always boggled when people manage to make a million bookshelves look attractive. I have a room where an entire 15 foot wall is all shelving, and it looks like shite.

Tale as old as tiiiiime....

Same. I love finding a new wine at a secreted away little winery in the countryside and bringing back to my table to serve with just the right complementary food. But come on people, it's wine, not a diamond. Stop discussing its qualities and "notes" and just enjoy it already.

For me, it's not so much the act of sniffing as the theatrics. I like to smell before I sip my wine too, but you can do that simply by inhaling normally and discreetly. People who make a big flipping show out of it get on my nerves. Frankly, I tire very quickly of discussion of food. Great food is a complement to


This was my thought. Why are we giving her shit for trying to date "out of her league?" What, women are physically incapable of getting a smoking hot dude unless they are more smoking hot? I've seen some pretty (in my opinion) goofy looking guys with really attractive women and no one ever gives them anything but a

Except not everyone goes to college, whom I understand you do not care about, and still need to understand how to cook a meal or balance a checkbook even if they do.