The Cranberry Cap'n

Yikes! I had similar experiences with babysitting when I was younger. You'd think that the babysitter who doesn't let you do anything you want would be the hated one, but they end up loving you. Especially for that one, very occasional time you bend the rules a teensy bit and let them have cake before bed, or stay up

I wish my daughter responded to letting her cry. She's 7 months old now, and we have tried the Ferber method (cry, go in and comfort briefly, leave, wait longer next time, repeat) for months and she just will not let us do it so far. Finally my mother suggested that since she takes all of two minutes to nod off in our

Oh lord, don't look at the parenting forums, especially for babies. Parent need to do what works for them — for example, crying it out for my 7 month old just does not work right now, we have tried two-hour attempts at the Ferber method and still been fruitless — but people act as though a baby ever crying, or being

I'm not surprised. More consistent sleep, more stability. Children thrive on stability.

I agree with others here that sometimes people record these things — especially police brutality or other crimes — in order to give it to the person or the media or the police for evidence.

I guess I shouldn't be surprised, as they say you learn something new [about prejudice] every day. Still, I don't know what planet I am living on where such a question could possibly be construed as appropriate, or even relevant. Good lord.

I think very few people can gracefully pull off that kind of heel height. Everyone's legs look lovely when standing still or seated, but walk/clomp around so awkwardly and stiffly trying to simply move. I prefer the shorter heels for a more fluid movement.

I don't know your height, obviously, but as a tall woman, 5" just looks ridiculous on me. I keep under 3.5".

People say it's not necessary anymore, and yet they delight when they get a handwritten letter on engraved cotton paper stationery from me. "Oh, your note was lovely! How nice to get a letter from you," they cry. I call SHENANIGANS on obsolescence.

I'll send you stationery, friend! It's not obsolete if small pockets of people keep using them, right? Right?

Holy shit. I don't have anything productive to add to that, but gah, seriously that sucks. D:

Oh wow, that is one accurate vagina rock. Wow.

I'm just cooking the heck out of mine and not buying any meat that tastes better not fully cooked (e.g. beef, high quality pork)

No big deal, it's just casting for the next Big Brother.

Nice, haven't heard that one before, but it works.

I actually think the opposite is going to happen. Instead of more and more people posting private stuff online, I think it's going to hit a critical mass and people will start to withdraw from it and keep private things private again.

Psst... it's 'stationery.'

This entire 'feud' strikes me as completely ridiculous. Didn't this get started over a pair of leather jogging pants? And seriously, "twitter feud." TWITTER FIGHT. BETWEEN ADULTS.

Interesting, thanks for the recommendation! I have a bit of a problem with the analogy the writer makes by equating the ethics of a comatose adult with a baby. It is true that the comatose adult's would-be opinions should be taken into consideration, and obviously a baby does not have those. Mr. Klosterman's argument