The Cranberry Cap'n

Also from the Mayo Clinic:

Not related to naked selfies, but this is pretty much why I don't allow photos of my daughter on the internet (she's an infant). I just don't want that much evidence out there about her before she's even old enough to talk, and certainly before she's able to consent to her whole life being put online for the world to

Run away either way. My husband was 23 when we got married, and he had more sense in his pinky finger than this man has at all.

That's something I kind of respect about Catholicism. They may be against abortion, but they're also against war and the death sentence, because all life should be preserved according to doctrine. I remember Pope John Paul II saying something to President Bush after 9/11 like "Good job telling people to not attack

I was thinking the same. I go antiquing all the time, it is how I get almost all my furniture. Asking for a discount is par for the course.

Gosh, I hope so. I keep wondering how many failed elections it is going to take before reality sets in. After President Obama was first elected after the low approval of former President Bush, my first thought was "well there, maybe they'll ease up on the super-right-wing and come back to the middle now." I remember

I'm more inclined to Lindy Hop, myself.

Breaking News: Major GOP Meeting Totally Civilized, Polite, Productive

What about first-time watching though? There are certainly things I love to rewatch (over and over) but they aren't that good if I'm honest with myself. Others are great and/or terrifying movies no matter how old they get. Nosferatu comes to mind.

I've never seen the original. Does it hold up?

I definitely would have been surprised. The addition of the other coffee shop "actors" was a good touch — if other people act scared and freaked out, you create contagion where the non-actors also feel like something is legitimately wrong. If the coffee shop had just been filled with non-actors, it probably wouldn't

This occurred to me as well. I looked vastly different from my teens to even just my early 20's. Different body shape, facial features filling out, even just learning about makeup.

Right? I looked terrible at 14. This young woman is more beautiful than I ever was, and she has years of growing and maturing left to do.

Good point. I hadn't thought of that because I have limited experience with plastic surgeons, but I can't imagine a legitimate doctor here agreeing to perform elective cosmetic surgery on a teenager. They aren't even done growing yet, for Pete's sake.

Right? Come on over to America, Ms. De Silva. NBC television's The Voice is waiting for you.

I feel the same way. I think there is a difference between being body-positive, not feeling ashamed of your period or private parts, and plastering it all over yourself.

I'm with you. Menstruating is normal and natural, blah-ditty-blah. So are a lot of other things my body does, but that doesn't mean it should be on a tee-shirt.

He did? How so?

I don't really watch the Today show so I'm not really familiar with Matt Lauer's down fall, so to speak. Can anyone elaborate on what the issue is with him? I liked him well enough years ago when Katie Couric was still on.

Welp, I'm really glad my friend didn't go on that trip to Morocco. She wanted to go so badly on this overnight camel-riding trip to the middle of nowhere where you sleep in tents (or something) with local people in the desert. Alone. As a young American woman. Luckily her parents convinced her not to go, but I thought