The Cranberry Cap'n

Yikes. I always wonder how so many eyes look at the marketing campaigns for large companies like Pepsi and can still miss such a glaring error.

I didn't even notice the potential optical illusion to mistake flick for f—-, but "Wonder Flick" still sounds vaguely NSFW to me anyway.

I would not date him in a box, I would not date him as a fox.

I prefer garbage pick-up and sunlight, myself.

Hey, you know, if you guys are both happy, satisfied and love one another I don't see an issue. Low libido can be a symptom of an unhappy relationship, but personally I don't think that it is necessarily a cause. Only you two know your own relationship and how satisfied and connected you feel. If you feel fine except

For sure! Just throwing it out there that "more sex, all the time" isn't always the best method or fix for every couple. I honestly get a little tired of the popular culture surrounding sex that says if you're not doing it at least every other day, there's something terribly wrong with you or your relationship that

I don't know, maybe if both of the partners want frequent sex. But sex isn't a one-size-fits-all solution. A lot of happy couples have sex less frequently and are just as satisfied. I think it's more about matching libidos than it is about frequency of the act. If two people have low libidos, then can still be happy

Honestly, I can't find this funny at all. It's basically a textbook on abusive relationships. "If I anger him, it's my fault, I just need to do as I'm told; I need to please him to keep him; He tells me I'm worthless because he loves me; He just wants to control where I am because he loves me; He's just angry at work,

I think the uncoolifying of smoking was a pretty smart and effective tactic to reduce it. I know some people who smoke, but I don't think anyone ever thought it was cool.

Right? I love these simple, elegant gowns that fit the body of the people wearing it. It was a great choice.

Jane Lynch, you are so pretty!

I really love this actress. Truly. She's beautiful and funny and really a great actress, I always love watching her.

I think you might be jumping to conclusions on being judged. I never indicated that you did not give back to society. I said that nobless obligé is a nearly extinct concept that needs to be brought back — I'm glad you are attempting to do so. I hope you continue your spirit of charity on beyond the Peace Corps.

Okay, here's the thing. Why are you telling anyone about your financial situation? Like, ever?

Ridiculously good stylist, would be my guess...

I used to do a lot of contouring makeup in theater. Stage lighting makes your face incredibly flat, so even to have your normal face again you have to redo your own highlights and shadows. But I'd also do them to make a brow or nose more prominent (or less) for characterization effects, or false wrinkles.

Wow, this gif. I am saving that one.

To be fair, in that first picture on the left, the lighting is drastically different. She's lit unevenly from the side which is casting some pretty major shadows and making the bottom of the nose look much more prominent and wider. In the second picture, she's being lit evenly from the front with a much softer glow,

Oh heavens, who reheats fish? Double ugh.

Lee loo Dallas?