The Cranberry Cap'n

No we don't. We launch fireworks because they are a spectacle of color that also make loud noises. Fireworks have been used since far before the Revolution as a part of celebration. They have been in use in the world for at least 1300 years.

What the FUCK

I really don't think it's wise to leave "the house" when your baby is still in it. Even though the apartment is above the bar, leaving the area where you could potentially lock yourself out doesn't really seem like a good idea. In a non-urban house, you could sit outside with the doors unlocked, but that doesn't seem

I agree, the AIDS issue is also in need of serious reexamination. What do you think of the former Pope Benedict's comments that condoms, while not officially sanctioned in Catholic doctrines, are okay when used in order to prevent the spread of the disease?

Sure, but Ossifrage seems really upset by people who continue to associate with the RCC. It seemed like a bad match, I was curious how it happened, and they answered.

I asked because Ossifrage said it was a serious point of contention with his/her roommate, which doesn't strike me as great roommate relations.

Fair enough. It's not a Catholic book, but one of my favorite "spirituality" books (not that I've read very many to be hones) is Peace Is Every Step by Thich Nhat Hanh. He's a Zen Buddhist and says some interesting things about mindfulness and satisfaction in hectic modern life.

Indeed. Here's an interesting perspective on eye shapes for Asians. I think it's really ethnocentric to assume that making the eye wider is to emulate white people, as though there is only one kind of "Asian" eye, and yet dozens of kinds of Caucasian eyes.

That's interesting, particularly the "traditional" views part, which I think would be the hardest to change since they aren't always tied to religious belief and more tied to family upbringing, which seems to be incredibly powerful. As though changing how you view gender roles would be an insult to your mother who did

I'm curious, what did you change his mind on?

Understandable. Obviously you feel very strongly about this issue, so it seems odd that you would have bunked with someone who is a member of the RCC. I imagine next time you will screen more?

I think from the outside, the Catholic church can look like one big monolith and give the appearance that every parish is the same and every experience is the same. But they aren't, it's incredibly varied; two churches within the same town might be wildly different in tone, message, and ministry. I think this is

Why not get another roommate then?

I would especially love to see a Jesuit response to this [the misogynist in the article's] website.

Right, and that's incredibly wrong, because they chose it knowingly and for profit.

No, WWII parties are not okay. Maybe some people are uneducated enough about the World Wars to somehow think they're appropriate and "all in good fun", but on behalf of the men who came home seriously psychologically scarred from what they did and saw, and on behalf of basic human decency, they're not.

I love you, Peach. They handicapped your powers in Melee, but we all know your true strength.

If they're calling it a Holocaust concert, then yes.

Dude, I don't know where you come from, but if America had a tragedy-themed party specifically referencing a day of remembrance in your country, people would be all over that. It's not that someone, somewhere had a party — it's that they used 9-11, which they fully know what it is, as a theme. You do not use tragic

That's a strawman argument and a false equivalency. See this quote: