The Cranberry Cap'n

Iron Man is cool and all, but I'm kind of getting burnt out on this version. Marvel knows he's a cash cow because of Robert Downey, Jr. and is milking it dry.

Thanks. We're all just trying to do our best, but I hope I do well by my children.

"We're in our 20's and we somehow have a ton of money, she should have known we would be dicks. OBVS!"

Just as we don't look back at the 18th and 19th centuries and condemn people for racism

As the parent of a daughter and the sister of a woman who was date-raped, this makes me so angry for you. The only emotion I can imagine feeling for a rapist of my child is rage. I'm so, so sorry. You deserve better, in so many ways.

I don't know if these are really meant to help people quit rather than prevent starting in the first place. As someone who does not smoke, they are effective at dissuading me from trying.

ManaNui is a scientologist, judging from his/her other posts, just FYI.

Yikes, confession but with no vow of silence? I'm wondering what kind of crazy person would ever think this is a good idea to join up....

I had no idea that this was even a thing until I was old and it was way too late. A friend of mine gave me a piece of advice once that said "you know if you feel comfortable eating a real meal in front of a man, he's a good one." And I was like... So.... Everyone, then? It seriously had never occurred to me to eat

True. But that is actually why I feel that people should never say a baby was unwanted or even that they were an accident. Children should never feel bad about their existence. If a parent is regretful or resentful, they should never express it, ever. Unless it is to a therapist or somewhere where the child/ren will

Second, please, for the love of equality, if you are a parent, DO NOT distinguish life skills by gender. To continue this practice is a grave disservice to everyone.

You might be right. Still, the feelings of wanting children really run the gamut. Some people really don't want them, some people are okay with having them if they happened, some people (as you say above) want them but won't admit it to themselves or aren't sure about timing, and some people definitely want them. Some

Maybe, but I don't think it is a comparable feeling. Maybe wanting something isn't the same as definitely wanting it. I think the culinary school analogy would be different because to accomplish that, you would have to be really active about it. Some people do take this approach to getting pregnant. But culinary

Look how excited...

Gah, I was fine until the baby at the end. Then I wept. Darn you!

Perhaps "unexpected" would be a better word. No, not an accident, but even couples who are using some kind of birth control (even less effective ones) weren't expecting to get pregnant that very minute.

I feel like for a lot of people, there is never a perfect time. I was just discussing this with my sister in law the other day. They were thinking about having kids, and she wasn't sure she was ready because she didn't have that deep desire to "try" to get pregnant. Basically all the other women said they felt the

That's what my husband and I did. We had been told I was not able to have children "without help" — I have no menstrual cycle — so decided that we would discontinue birth control (stop trying to not be pregnant) for a few years. If nothing happened, we'd reevaluate whether we wanted to pursue medical options,

It's another's sign of aging. Old people sneakers.

What is this, a smile? You don't belong!