The Cranberry Cap'n

Ugh, this and the other post he made plastering that woman's photos all over the bodybuilding forum make me want to quit Facebook forever.

I once worked in the hospitals, a long time ago. I met so many amazing doctors there who, unbeknownst to me, are at the top of their field. I have asked them for referrals dozens of times when myself or my family need a good practice for whatever ails them, and they never fail to recommend the best. They're really

I know, I don't get the "expensive medicine" part. The medical care is expensive in Boston because it's some of the best medical care in the country/world.

To be fair, it totally belongs on "Worst City to Drive".

Just Googled his picture. Awww man, where are his eyebrows? Where is his Spanish/Moroccan/Italian flair? WHERE IS HIS BLUE HAIR

To this point, I rather agree. That was part of what I discussed with my husband when we talked about it, as it seemed like kind of a silly reason if that's the only one you provide. From what our doctors told us, there are some mild health benefits and it's a fairly low-risk surgery, but those reasons weren't really

Oh no, I haven't seen the new episodes, is Daario not good? :-(

Here come the Mom Olympics, where no one ever wins.

Oh, okay. Have fun then.

In high school, I remember some of the more "popular" girls finding out that the super nerdy boy in our class was doing it with his girlfriend and freaking out, because they couldn't possibly still be virgins while someone less cool was getting some. Then the race was on to lose their virginities. I thought that had

Well actually, if you had read the whole response, my husband chose not to do it. But either way, I was a part of the discussion process. Parents should make the best decision for their families. In my case, I didn't really have strong feelings either way, so after discussing it together and with medical

In all seriousness, I do kind of wish there were better hairdo options for men with longer tresses. It's funny how anything other than natural or low-ponytail looks really feminine. At least to me it does. You might get away with a braid or two, but that's about it. It'd be cool if more complex styles were more

I said this in another thread, and I'll repeat it here. We talked to our doctors about both options and weighed it together, but ultimately I left the final decision to my husband, who is circumcised. I have never had a penis, so it was hard for me to really say, what the hell do I know about penis-having? Ultimately,

For me, I left the decision up to my (circumcised) husband. I do not have a penis, so I felt the penis-haver in the relationship would be a better authority on what to do, after we consulted the doctor's opinions on it. My husband chose not to do it for our sons, should we ever have any.

I didn't even look down there. It's not worth it, that kind of bologne is already all over my Facebook feed. Can you get upset about her release of thousands of classified documents? Sure, there are arguments to be made against that and for it. But it's not necessary to degrade her for being transgender, which in my

The State pays for my evil birth control.

I was really surprised how many news outlets refused to honor her request to be called a "she". Just because she is a criminal in the eyes of the law does not mean she doesn't deserve the dignity of the appropriate gender terms. Even NBC kept saying "he". CBS at least tried to find a middle ground by referring to her

Okay, but the calories needed for each body is not the same. 2,000 calories a day is a recommendation, not a hard line for every person. Some people's bodies need 3,000 calories just to stay afloat, others merely 1500. That's caused by a combination of genetics, body mass, and physical activity. People like myself and

Not for everyone, it doesn't. Doesn't for me at all.

No, I think that's reasonable, as much as people who bring their children everywhere, or their spouses everywhere, or that one friend everywhere. Uninvited guests and inappropriate guests are irritating for everyone.