The Cranberry Cap'n

Haha my mother-in-law says similar things. "When we were pregnant, we weren't allowed to take any medications at all! The Cap'n, didn't you take pseudofed?" And I'm like, yes, thanks for bringing up that painful memory because I thought I was risking my baby but was so miserable from the worst sinus infection I've

The rose-tinted stories from other women never help. "Well gosh, when I had kids we were never allowed to A-B-C-D, etc. Gosh it was so hard!" and belittling your own experience, as though your problems aren't half of what they had to go through. They always neglect to add how miserable they were and wish it had been

I cried every day for the last week of my 8-week leave (which I negotiated up to). My husband could be home one week. It wasn't enough, not nearly enough, and I still weep occasionally that I can't be home with my daughter when she's still a small infant. Just thinking about it now is making my throat tighten, but we

I do, and feel lucky for it. :) I just thought I would say that while there are so, so many weirdos and creeps out there, there are some genuine charmers too. I might've dated Mr. You-Were-Sober?! longer too if he hadn't gone off to find himself.

Haha, actually my now-husband did something similar. It took a while for me to convince him that I was actually attracted to him. He thought I was way out of his league. "What are you doing with a shlub like me?" was a common refrain. He was also the only man where I slept over his place the first date — he walked me

I never did either. I think both men and women are guilty of this and when someone like you are I comes along who don't play those games, it takes some getting used to.

Ugh, I never had any patience for mind games either. I got so sick of dates building up some fantasy in their mind where I was the one nagging or playing mind games with them when I was always very clear. If I was not interested, I would say "Sorry, I'm not interested, ever. We can be friends if you want, but if you

I agree with you, but I also feel obligated to point out that from the article, it seems that the girl may have been compromised at that time. It's really awful to have your bad choices recorded and plastered around for the world to see. It's even worse for the same thing to happen with an assault.

I didn't know that Timberlake auditioned for Frodo...

High fives to your husband, he's totally right. That's workplace discrimination and harassment. Yikes stripes.

I started being like this as soon as 23 years old. My then-fiancé and I moved to the city and settled on the outskirts with some friends while he was grad school. Our friends always wanted to go into the city to some random bar and music starting at like 9:00 PM, which would require a 45-minute train ride in and out.

It's not the breasts but the imbalance that's the problem. The men are standing around fully-clothed while nearly-naked women dance around them for their amusement, while the men sing about how they know they want it. It's creepy.

We Can't Stop is at #2? :( That song isn't even catchy.

Guilty as charged.

Me neither. I wouldn't exchange my life now for anything, even if it doesn't sound very exciting on paper.

Thank you. These articles and their reactions are always so useless. Both "tick-tock ladies, your biological clock is COMING for YOU!" and the predictable "I'm glad I don't have kids yet because my LIFE is AWESOME" are so tired. Can we please just accept people's choices because they might actually be the best judge

I think that's totally reasonable and smart. Honestly, I started doing that in college. If there were guys who would bad-mouth their families for no good reason (like their families were not abusive or damaging — that would be different — just saying nasty immature stuff about their loving families) I'd skip town

Well, I don't know about "healthy for your body," but without the help of drugs I have no period either (docs can't find a reason), and I appear to be fine.

I'd forgotten about that, thanks for reminding me. I don't know how he did it. I don't have OCD and I still felt a lot of the challenges were prohibitively gross.
