The Cranberry Cap'n

That's what I thought; "Is Hilary Clinton his aunt or something?"

How can a person (person = man)...

Blergh double post. Bonus gif time:

I thought it was Belle's dress until I saw the other yellow dress. Then I was all like

Pocahontas' gown is unfortunate :(

I really like your first photo especially, because I can't really tell at first glance whether it's a man or a woman, just a solider. And isn't that the point? Awesome.

Yes! This is just what I want to do.

I love Dove's Men's Care bar soap. It smells great and has an exfoliant in it.

Go vintage maybe? My husband got my vintage band in an antique store. Cost $300, and it's platinum and diamonds.

Maybe it's kind of like the "wearing rosary beads" trend from back in the day. When was that, the 90's? Anyway, I remember a lot of people wearing rosaries as decorative necklaces because for some reason it was cool. None of them were Catholic, even less of them were religious at all. I don't know if it was meant to

This guy (I think it's him, anyway) is quoted:

Now playing

Have you ever seen the whole video? It's amazing

That's kind of awesome, actually.

I just think it's super sad that this even has to be a request. I'm basically at a huge party with other people, do I really need to check the messages on my phone or post a picture instantly to social media? I'm not a doctor, no one needs me that urgently.

That's what I thought. Jon Stewart is such an icon at this point that if he left cold turkey, no one would tune into the Daily Show, they'd be convinced that it couldn't possibly be as good switch someone else. Putting the show on an extended hiatus and giving John Oliver a chance knowing Stewart is returning is a

I think I'm going to hurl... uggggh

I think someone else said it best that FFVII suffers from terrible localization. The word Clone is misleading, since the Sephiroth Clones aren't genetic clones like Dolly the Sheep is, they're once-normal people who are injected with Jenova cells. I think that was a major part of what was so confusing about

I don't think that's necessarily true. My mom gave me similar talks regarding drinking and sex— I obeyed it because I respected her and her opinions. She seems like a savvy and open mother, I think she would know her sons better.

My mother tried to by my brother a box of condoms when he left for college and I think he nearly died of embarrassment, haha.