The Cranberry Cap'n

When I was a kid, my mom had to take away my favorite pair of shoes to get me to stop going barefoot outside all the time. And that didn't work either...

This appears to be the least relaxing-looking bath ever.

Honestly, has there ever been a shirt with writing on it that was worthwhile?

My mother always got around this by only taking us to stores where she thought the clothes were appropriate. Hopefully I can still do the same for my own children. Justice is one of the worst offenders in my opinion, half of their clothes are like this, or else look like clubbing clothes for tots. It's... weird, and

Everything goes in cycles. In the Atomic Age, people were all about the science food. Canned everything, processed stuff, Wonderbread, it was new and space-age and exciting and going to make our lives easier and more amazing. Then everyone figured out that it was shit, and not as good for you, and we re-entered the

I think it's fun for kids to experiment with "adult" clothes for dress-up or maybe special occasions, but as everyday wear I think it's odd. First, the impracticality of it. But second, the reason why they are so exciting is because they are for grown-ups, which has this great mystery for young girls. I'd like to

I would just send a card.


That reminds me of the time I saw a bag of sugar lollipops in the grocery store, and they were labeled "FAT FREE!" As though that somehow made it better for you to eat it.

Right? I feel like because people are doing this arbitrarily (i.e. for no reason other than the perception that it is "better for you") it turns dietary restrictions into a fad instead of a serious, medically-necessary request. I also feel like making sure something does not contain an allergen is taken less seriously

I'm pretty sure anyone diagnosed with Celiac is Celiac-intolerant.

Oh yes, that part I know. Some people very close to me have Celiac's disease or other gluten problem and have to scrutinize everything they eat. It's a huge pain in the ass for them. It's more that I get irritated by fad diets where perfectly healthy people cut out food that is perfectly fine for them because they

Haha I saw "gluten free!" on the side of a package of Cocoa Krispies once. Gluten free is healthier, my ass.

I was once talking to an old high school buddy who I hadn't seen in years, she had a son. She was talking about all his dietary restrictions and whatnot, including gluten-free, and I asked if he had bad allergies. She said "Oh, no, you know, gluten-free's just healthier that's all."

Drinking from water bottles definitely increases environmental waste.

Do you really think this is feminine? I just think it's ugly as sin. This isn't sexy on anyone, man or woman. The female equivalent would be just as absurd, especially at that price.

Ugh, tell me about it. Ours is hideous.

No it shows that way on my computer, too. They just didn't put up comparison photos... not sure why. You have to click the links to see.

I think I would have been a little miffed to be stuffed into a "personalized costume" in order to fulfill someone else's personal fantasy.

The water in the world map shots kind of looks like jello.