The Cranberry Cap'n

This was my face after I got married too. I'm glad more people can share in that now.

That's something that struck me on the video: there are so many strays, and they're in the city. I hardly ever saw stray dogs when I lived in U.S. cities. They all belonged to someone, even as a companion to a homeless person. I guess Animal Control is a bigger operation here?

Agh, why did this one have to be the cover photo? Every time I scroll past this I get the shivers.

Aw man, I wish the textures looked this good in-game.

I think it's easier not to find fault with animals. With humans, we are more likely to believe that they are complicit for their circumstances — they're homeless because they're bad, lazy, deficient, alcoholics, etc.

No, don't inflict this upon me again! Nooooooooo

I really agree. She's not doing outrageous things as a publicity stunt to garner media attention. Clearly something is very wrong, and I wish she could be given the privacy and space to heal.

I'm thinking, like, medical-grade hand sanitizer clean would be a good start.

Nope, this isn't sexist or gropey-looking at all.

Ha, maybe so. Now that the baby is old enough to grab her fur, the dog's a little less keen on her ;-) but on the weeks when the baby is away at day care every day, she gets very upset, and sometimes relapses into digging up couch pillows, looking for her. Once when my mother was home but the baby was at daycare, the

Yeah, I mean before that I really felt bad for Hedwig and her unfortunate plight. But then when it took a turn into basically pedophilia, I had a hard time with that.

She's a great dog. For the first few months, she would always sit literally underneath the baby swing, or near the door to the bedroom, or on the couch with her head on the bassinet, watching the baby sleep. I think part of it is that she had a failed breeding once — due to veterinary negligence, all the puppies died,

I'm really concerned for my parent's dog when I move out with my baby. When the baby was born, my parents took one of her hospital hats home to give to the dog to smell. The dog sniffed it like crazy, took it up gingerly in her mouth, jumped to the floor and curled up in a corner with her head on top of it. When the

I remember learning in college that the more equal the investment in offspring is between the two sexes, the more monogamous the species. It is also related to how similar the two sexes are in body. For example, gorillas are not monogamous at all. Gorilla males are much larger in size than females, and have relatively

I watched Hedwig at an early age, maybe in my teens, and I can't say I really understood it very it well at that age, so it wasn't exactly an enlightening movie for me on gender. Maybe I was just not mature enough then to really get it. Regardless of the sexual politics of the film, what I remember the most was that

I don't swear much. But WHAT the FUCK?

I can trace my ancestors back to the 1600s, but it's to a woman who conspired with her parents to kill her abusive husband. Her parent's punishment was to be hanged. Her punishment was to watch them be hanged. Fun family tree!

That's actually kind of awesome. But then, if I owned any clothing that was tailored that well and probably cost as much as an average kitchen-redo, combined with the miraculous fact that I still fit into the same clothes decades later, I'd re-wear it too.